I reach my room. I opened and shut the door, tossing my books onto my bed as I reached into my dark pocket to grab my pack of cigarettes. 

But I don't grab them. I sort of freeze. On my mirror is written, "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID."

I quickly walk over to the mirror, wiping the writing off. I looked back at my door. It's been spelled shut every single night - who the fuck can overpower a demonic spell?

It's the middle of the day. I know I'll miss classes but I don't give a shit. I sneak out, heading to the point of entry, and get escorted to The Underworld by the two vampires.

Fire burns all around me as I walk, I see some of my people lying on the ground, unable to move. One of them sees me. They speak with a dehydrated voice, "Adonis? Are you close?"

I stop walking. They are nearly just bones at this point. I tell them, "Yes, I am. I promise you, I am close, you will be free soon. I will not let you die."

He manages to smile. He says, "Thank you, Adonis. I believe you'll be the one to save us."

"I will be," I say. "I promise."

I stand up and keep walking. As I enter the room, her back is facing me, but she knows I'm here. Selena says, "I'm surprised to hear from you. I thought you didn't want my help?"

"I need you to do a spell," I say. She turns around, her black hair falling over her shoulders. "There is somebody after me."

She nods, "I can do that. Come here."

I walk over to a mirror on the wall. I stare at my reflection in it. She tells me, "The reflection of the person after you will appear as I do this spell."

She shuts her eyes, stringing Latin words together under her breath. I stared at my reflection, at my black hair and brown eyes, waiting for their reflection to appear.

She continues to say the words, but even minutes later, nothing appears before me, only my reflection. I tell her, annoyed, "Your spell didn't work."

She stops the spell and opens her eyes. 

"My spells always work," she crosses her arms.

"Not this one," I say. I turn without saying another word.

Before turning to the school, I met with my father and told him only one remained at the school. 

Back at the school, I went to the library, I didn't feel like reading, but I thought Valeria might be there. And I was correct. She sat, reading a book, one I had read multiple times.

"Want me to spoil the ending?" I say as I sit across from her.

Her eyes leave the page and look up at me. She shuts the book and says, "No need. This is my third time reading it. I keep re-reading it since this school doesn't have the second book."

"How come you weren't in class today?" she asks me. "I had to be partnered with the weird guy."

"You're the weird girl," I say. "So it's a match made in Heaven."

She narrows her eyes at me. She asks, "Has anybody ever told you that you aren't funny?"

"Those with no taste," I say, gesturing to her. She rolls her eyes.

"I've noticed you read a lot of tragedies," I say. "Why?"

She thinks for a moment. I look at her. At her cherry red lip gloss on her lips, at her star necklace that dangles from her neck, at her skirt. 

"Tragedies are the most beautiful stories," she says. 

I once again find myself questioning why I'm here. Why do I keep talking to the witch in front of me? I always spoke to nobody. I never had anything to say. Yet day after day, I go out of my way to talk to the brunette with dimples in front of me. 

She stands up and says, "I have to go back to my room now. There's a test in the morning I've got to study for. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow."

She walks away with her things. Once she's out of the library, I stand up and walk to my room. 

I looked at my bookshelf, my eyes scanning it until I found the second book. I held it in my hands, I kept all my books in perfect condition, never letting anybody else read them. But I know Valeria wouldn't ruin it.

I walked to her room, book in hand. I knocked when I reached her door.

"I know you're in there, Valeria," I say when she doesn't open the door. "I have something for you."

I stand for a bit longer and roll my eyes when she doesn't open the door. I open it and step inside, but then my eyebrows lower as I see her not in her room.

I take a few more steps in, looking around, wondering why she lied to me.

I looked out the window, then back at her room, but quickly looked outside again. My head tilted. I took slow steps toward the window, wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me. 

In the distance, I saw white wings flying, paired with the soft brown hair I'd recognize anyway. My jaw clenched for a moment.

Valeria was the last angel. 

Word Count: 1509

Word Count: 1509

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