Bastian groans. "That's fifteen hours from now."

Anton squeezes his shoulder; his mouth is already open to say something when Bastian recoils. The words die on Anton's lips.

Bastian's eyes are almost black and burn with resentment. "Don't you fucking touch me, not after what happened."


Bastian stabs him in the chest with a warning finger. "Give me some fucking space."

Anton raises his hands and takes a step back. He blinks a few times, but I don't know him well enough to determine whether he is angry or upset.

Bastian rubs his forehead. "I'm gonna lie down." The smile he offers me is nothing short of fake. "Are you comfortable in the smaller bedroom, Chelsea?"

"Yes, I'm good."

"And if you need anything, just let Beth know."

I nod.

Bastian's face is strained and he looks defeated. "And Beth, could you please prepare one of the reclining chairs for Mr. Worcheck."

Anton huffs.

Confusion is edged on Beth's forehead as she acknowledges the request with a mumbled "sure;" Bastian takes off without a further glance at anyone and heads for the back section of the plane. Awkward silence follows in the wake of his departure and I decide to get the hell out of there. Even though I'm dying to learn what happened between Bastian and Anton to get Bastian so wound up, Anton is not the one I'd ever ask about it.

Returning to my compartment, I smile to myself as an idea sparks in my head. I still have painkillers from when I fell off the stepladder at the tea shop in October, and Bastian is in dire need of some heavy drugs. This could be my chance to gain a favor and maybe even find out what transpired while he was visiting his son.

I get the prescription bottle from my toiletry bag and check for Bastian in the back of the plane. He is in the bathroom; when he comes out, he is dressed in nothing but his boxers with the rest of his clothes stuffed in a trash bag he left in the middle of the floor. Toothpaste clings to the corner of his mouth and his hands are red as if he stuck them under boiling water.

His brows knit together. "Chelsea. Do you need something?"

I lift the bottle with the pills. "I remembered that I still had painkillers from when I hurt my back a few months ago. You are welcome to have them."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. You look like you need them."

"Thank you." He unscrews the cap off the bottle and swallows two of the pills dry.

I'm standing on the threshold to his bedroom and am about to move aside when he grabs my arm and pulls me closer. His mouth is upon me in the next breath; my lips part, more in surprise, and our tongues collide. His kiss is hard and demanding; there is no give, only take.


His hands slide under my shirt and he pinches my nipples so hard that it hurts. Crowding me against the bed, I fall backward when my knees hit the edge. He covers me with his body, his lips hot against my skin as he trails little kisses down my neck.

"I can stop, if you want me to," he mutters in between heavy breaths.

I slip my hand into his boxers and stroke his shaft. His cock twitches and the tip is already moist with arousal. "Take them off."

Standing over me, he watches me with hooded eyes as he disposes of his underwear and slides down my panties. I move closer to the edge in the bed to give him access to my pussy. He plunges inside me without any foreplay; his thrusts are as raw and feral as his earlier kiss. This act is not about pleasure but a means to an end. Lust for the sake of lust.

Leaning closer, he curls his arms around me, his nails softly scraping the skin on my back. His lips seal my mouth; this time, his kiss is like a desperate cry for air. A drowning man reaching for a lifeline he didn't know he needed. Intimacy to lead him back to the light from the darkness of his soul.

Moving in and out of me at a fast rhythm, he shudders as he finds his release. Warmth fills my womb. Even though I didn't orgasm and the sex was only about him, I'm oddly satisfied. I scoot over to the wall to make space for him on the bed. This time it's me who spoons him from behind.


He lets out a bitter chuckle. "Sorry, that was selfish. I can—"

"Shh, it's fine. Just go to sleep."

"So you understand?"

I scoff; is he for real? "I've been there, so yes, I understand."

WP total word count: 12,788

Desperation leads to intimacy between Bastian and Chelsea as Bastian tries to process the events of the morning. Is Anton out and Chelsea in as the companion in his bed or will Anton be able to get back into his good graces? The answer will be revealed in the next chapter together with the truth about Konstantin and Bastian's wife Liv (Olivia). Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.

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