16-Except you, you can stay.

Start from the beginning

He had white fluffy socks underneath with baby pink stripes. It was actually really cute, and Trophy started to also take his shoes off. "Where'd you get those socks?" He asked.

"Uhm... I don't really remember. They're my favourite pair, but I've had them for so long, I just forgot." Cheesy put the journal next to where he was sitting. He had a tendency to forget things, which he guessed was just part of the tism.

"Ah, well, I think they're cute." Trophy stood up, Cheesy also standing up shortly after. "Awh, thanks, Troph!" He smiled that signature large smile. Trophy loved that smile so much, despite Cheesy disagreeing. He didn't like his tooth gap, or how yellow his teeth were, but Trophy never saw that as a negative. It made Cheesy...Cheesy. It was him.

Trophy also smiled, although softer than Cheesy. "Okay, well, there's a little thing I wanna show you here." He started walking, and Cheesy followed. "Ooooh, is it a room I'm not supposed to be in? If so, I'm sold!" Cheesy giggled.

"I mean, technically yeah, you aren't supposed to be in there... but I thought I might show you." He pulled out a key from his pocket, spinning it in his hand before walking up to a small room at the lifeguard area.

"Oooh, I've always wondered what's in here!" Cheesy almost tried to break in there once, but failed. He'd never tell anyone that, though. The only evidence he actually tried was in his journal, and nobody would find out through that...right?

"Well you're about to find out." Trophy put the key in the door handle and turned it. It made a click sound, opening shortly after. Cheesy peaked in, being met with a small couch, a few posters on the wall (one of them being of Spoiled Lemon), and a TV slightly smaller than the one in the lobby.

"Not a lot of people actually know what's in here, so I thought I'd show you. The only other people who know about this other than OJ and Paper are me, Soap, Fan because he broke in, Test Tube because Fan brought her, that's why there's a Spoiled Lemon poster... and now you too." He walked over to the couch, sitting on it and patting the spot next to him, signaling for Cheesy to come sit next to him. Cheesy immediately ran over and sat down, leaning against Trophy.

"Well I'm glad you showed me, now I'm special!" Cheesy smiled brightly. Trophy chuckled and wrapped his arm around Cheesy. "You were already special beforehand, but sure."

Salt grumbled, making her way towards the pool area. "Ugh, I can't believe Pepper would do this to me... like I'm no gynaecologist, but she's acting like a real cunt right now! Like, she basically just unfriended me. ME! She's... she's nothing without me! I- I mean like, it's not like I'm nothing without her, I... Oh em gee, Salt, stop thinking about this so hard!" She ranted to herself, eventually reaching the pool.

Immediately she noticed the quiet chitter chatter of both Trophy and Cheesy's voice, though she noticed Cheesy's voice more. "Ugh..." She groaned to herself. Of course they were here, the yaoi boys or whatever! She quietly walked around the area, only to almost trip on something.

She let out a small squeal, hoping Trophy and Cheesy didn't hear. Thankfully, they didn't. She looked down to see what she tripped on. It looked like some sort of... journal, or diary, or something. It was yellow, with a bunch of stickers attached. This was obviously Cheesy's... he wouldn't mind if she just took a peak, right?

She grabbed the book and flipped to a random page. They were mostly just jokes, so she flipped to the next one, which had a very different vibe from the last one.

It was more like a diary entry than anything. It was about a day after his elimination, the page was riddled with shaky handwriting and scribbled out words, though you could still read them perfectly fine. The entry was... pitiful. It was upsetting. Salt wasn't one to feel that guilty, but seeing this was... it was a lot. She closed the book, that was probably enough snooping for now.

She left the pool area, though she brought the journal with her. She was planning on giving it back, just not yet. She had some investigating to do.

Though, if she wanted to investigate, she would need someone's help too.

"Yeah, I know, but that police officer was so unprofessional! Like, Parker looked TRAUMATIZED, and you're just gonna sit there and laugh at him? Come on!" Cheesy ranted, he seemed pretty mad about this whole thing.

"Parker? Like, the candy bar?" Trophy asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah! Have you seen him before?"

"Oh, well I saw this one video... something about a dumpy reducti-" "OKAYYY THAT'S ENOUGH TALKING FOR YOU..." Cheesy put a hand over Trophy's mouth, tip-toeing to actually be able to reach. Trophy just pulled his hand off. "Okay, damn. I was jus- wait..." Trophy interrupted himself, pausing for a moment.

"Hm?" Cheesy tilted his head like a dog, it was actually really cute, but Trophy had no time to get distracted.

"Cheesy, didn't you leave your journal right there? Where did it go?"

Cheesy looked, and sure enough, it was gone. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat...or 4.

He immediately ran over and frantically looked around. He had left it in plain sight, did someone take it? He felt his breathing start to quicken.

"Hey, hey, Cheesy! Calm down!" Trophy gently grabbed Cheesy by his shoulders, kneeling down to his level. "We're gonna find it, okay? It's not like it disappeared. It's gonna be fine." Trophy smiled softly at Cheesy, making his previously tense body relax.

Cheesy sighed. "O- okay... yeah, it'll be fine! Just... fine."

Stopped writing March 2nd, 2024.
jesus christ this chapter literally took less than 3 hours im not even joking

1,490 words

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara