Chapter Four

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: if you get tired of waiting for new chapters, the entire book is for sale on Amazon in print and on Kindle!

Chapter Four

Mauldibamm blinked into existence around us when I slammed the Escher Cube's last row of squares into place. Normally, the city's colorful lights, bouncy music, and vibrant sense of life would have lifted my spirits in an instant.

Today, though, I just shoved the Cube back into my pocket and stormed away, leaving a very confused Ethan behind.

"Henry?" he called, following behind me. "Henry, what's wrong? Who was that back there?"

I ignored him and continued down the street, not knowing where I was going and not caring. We were close to the center of Mauldibamm, near Emmett Kelly Park. Food stalls had been set up on both sides of the street, filling the air with a dozen delicious smells. For once, though, the idea of getting a snack didn't even occur to me.

"Henry!" Ethan yelled again, grabbing me by the arm. I stopped in the middle of the road, but refused to look at him. I didn't want him to see how close I was to breaking down in tears.

It wasn't fair. I tried so hard. I did so good. Why couldn't she just leave me alone?

The green flash told me that Jade had appeared. She usually stayed in her gem when Ethan and I went on hunts. Don't get me wrong, having a freaking genie on our side would have been a huge help, but Ethan would have had to waste another wish for that to happen. That's just how it was. Unless her master said the words "I wish," her hands were tied.

"Henry just needs a minute," she said, gently taking Ethan's hand from my arm. This time when I walked away, they didn't follow.

"Henry and her cousin," she said hesitantly, probably thinking I couldn't hear her, "they, uh...don't get along."

"That red haired girl was her cousin?"

"Her name is Alicia Wolfe. She's..." she paused to think. "...Henry's father's sister's daughter."

"I've never seen Henry just explode like that, though. What happened between them?"

"To Henry, nothing. To Alicia, everything."

"What does that—"

"Ethan," Jade interrupted, "Alicia was supposed to be the next Hunter. She's incredibly strong, her magic in unmatched, and she's a master with her chainhammer. Everyone assumed she was the obvious choice to be McGus' successor—until McGus chose Henry instead."

With my cheeks burning and my eyes stinging, I walked until I couldn't hear them anymore and threw myself onto a bench.

"You look like you've had a rough day," another voice said. I looked up to see one of the stall owners looking at me with a kind smile. "Can I get you anything?"

"No thanks," I mumbled.

Stupid freaking Cousin Gumdrop. So what if McGus had chosen to train me instead of her? Why couldn't she just move on? Why couldn't she live her own freaking life? Why did she have to keep barging back into mine to tell me how weak and pathetic I am compared to her?

And most of all, why did she have to be right?

"HOT FUDGE NACHO SUNDAE WITH ONIONS, FRENCH FRIES, AND A CHERRY ON TOP!" I cursed at the top of my lungs, and then blushed when everyone turned to look at me.

A minute later, Ethan came to sit next to me.

"Hey," he said softly, "are you gonna be okay?"

I sniffled and rubbed my nose. "Yeah, I just need—"

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