Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"And that," I said as the Escher Cube flashed us back into existence, "is how I invented medicinal cheese balls that cure cancer."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Henry, what are you talking about?"

I looked around. I'd warped us right into the middle of the street outside my house, but there was nobody in sight.

I sighed. "If anyone had been around to hear that, it would have made me sound really smart."

"It also would have blown your cover," Jade said disapprovingly.

"There are some sacrifices that have to be made," I said, pocketing the Cube and making for the door.

The sun was setting, and a cool wind whispered through the trees. There was a green flash behind me as Jade went back into her gem, and I paused in confusion when I opened the door to find all the lights turned off.

"Mom? Dad?" I called from the doorway. "You guys home?"

No answer.

"Is everything okay?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah," I said after a moment. "They're probably just out getting groceries."

Of course. That's where they were. Obviously. So why was my stomach still doing somersaults?

I crept inside, keeping one hand on Splatsy, and left the door open behind me. Ethan followed, his eyes darting back and forth with every tiptoed step. We made our way into the living room. It was almost too dark to see, with the lights off and the sun setting.

"Wait here," I whispered, and went in. Slowly, one step at a time, skillfully (and awesomely) avoiding the squeaky floorboards. There was a light switch on the other end of the room. Maybe once I could see, I'd stop feeling like there was something creeping up behind—


I spun around to see a tall, gaunt figure looming over me in the shadows. It raised claw-like hands, eyes glowing with sadistic glee, and threw them around me, pinning my arms to my sides with surprising strength. It squeezed me, forcing the air out of my lungs. Caught off guard and unarmed, I could only stand there and be crushed in its...

"There's my baby sister!" it yelled, raising me off the floor and spinning me around.

Suddenly, the room lit up, and I was finally able to see whose arms were practically mummifying me. He was a klaon (like me) with bright blue hair (also like me) buzzed so short that I could see his milky white scalp beneath it (not like me). He was taller than me, and almost abnormally thin. Emaciated may have been a better word to describe him. He wore a long, black trench coat over a black shirt and pants, making him the first goth klaon I'd ever met.

Not that I noticed any of that, though, because I was too busy squealing with joy.

"Con!" I screamed. "When did you get here?"

"While you were gone," my big brother answered. "But before we talk, can you tell your boyfriend not to incinerate me?"

"Boyfriend? What do you..."

Wait, where was all this light coming from?

I spun around and saw Ethan with his arm outstretched, the spellhammer shining like it had a star trapped inside it.

"Ethan, stop!" I yelled, pulling free of Con's embrace.

Too late. He already had Con in his sights. "Cogito et—"

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