Chapter 6

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Yesterday was a fun experience! I think me and trophy are becoming friends! Of course he won't admit that cause his denial and insecure as f- but aren't we all? Wait.. I hope that wasn't a controversial thing to say.

Anyways I'm gonna go talk to trophy today, cause I got nothing better to do right now.

"Hey trophy!" I greeted.

Only to be returned with a scowl and ignored.

"Welp.. I guess I partied to early.. back to square one.." I sighs.

A familiar voice came towards me

It was Microphone. Huh? Wonder what she wants.

"Hey cheesy! What's up?" Mic greeted nicely

"Oh hey mic! Still loud as ever, I could hear you from a mile away!.. just kidding, please don't take offense.." I said as I sweat a bit.

"Pfft- none taken. Say.. are you doing anything today?" Mic asked

"Huh? Oh not really. I mean I was planning to hang out with t..." I stopped my sentence before finishing.

I know trophy and me won't be a likely friend thing so if I said I was gonna hang out with trophy, I'll probably be putting us both in a position where someone could think we are friends and put a lot of pressure on us. Even worst if they think we are LOVERS! that's gonna be a ton of rocks to carry, and already seeing all the fanfics about it. Trophy will go haywire! Not like this book is any different.. wait I'm not supposed to say-

"Earth to cheesy!" Mic yelled, cutting me from my long inner dialogue. (A/N: thank goodness.)

"Huh- uh Oh! Yeah I'm down for whatever you got planned gurl!... One question.. what do you have planned?" I said hesitantly

"Well.. if you must know. Remember I play the guitar right?" Mic said

"Uhuh." I replied with a nod

"I just bought a new electric guitar today! And I'm gonna test this baby out!.. I got that word from knife." Mic chuckles

"Like brother, like sister I guess." Cheesy smiles
(A/N: and yes, knife and microphone are siblings. Attack me all you want shippers but I can only see them as siblings. So please respect my au.)

"Anyways, a electric guitar sound so cool! But.. what does that gotta do with me? You know I can't play a guitar if my life depended on it.." I asked confusedly.

"Oh! That's not what I'm asking you for. I was actually here to ask your help to write a song.. I was gonna make one for soap.." mic said embarrassed

"Oohh~ I see ya gurl.. *finger guns* but how do you think I can make songs?? I don't know if your dumb or desperate but I am a 'comedian' not a 'musician'.." I sigh

Cheesy takes a banana from the fruit basket and peals it

"I just don't see the a-peal of you asking me.. not to sound rude or anything." I ofc won't be me if I didn't do my signature knee cap that makes everyones days brighter!

Mic just groans..

"Look, your probably one of the only people to know how to rhyme here and make puns.. that sucks but are oddly creative nonetheless.. and hey! You like cheesy love songs too soo. What do you say??" Mic smiles widely

I sigh

"Well I wouldn't be cheesy without being a bit 'cheesy' hehe.. sure! Why not? I gotta help my friend." I smile widely

"GREAT! I appreciate this a lot cheesy. I knew you weren't just a suck up wannabe clown." Mic said

"Hey! I just agreed to help you, no need for insults.." cheesy said then laughs after

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