Chapter 5:

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Continuing with Last time:

"yes?" test tube replied as she fixes her glasses.

"I GOT SOMETHING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT!!! But try not to seem too shock or think i'm crazy for this." Fan said

"Fan.. you literally called me at 3am to talk about magical girls and how you think you might turn into one.. and because of that i couldn't even sleep.." test tube yawns.

"WELL the thought of random creatures appearing and turning you to magical girls with powers is terrifying okay?! and thats not what i am talking about." fan said as he swipes on his phone to find something.

*test tube just yawns and waits for fan to show what he wants to show to her.*

"AHAH! HERE!" fan shows the photos and videos he had with trophy and cheesy

"AND LOOK! trophy even carried cheesy back at the hotel when he fell asleep in the forest!"

"alright... fan.. i love you and all.. BUT THIS IS TERRIFYING AND CRAZY!!" Test tube yelled but in a quiet way to not cause a scene.

"thats a lot coming from the girl who used her telescope as a flippin bazooka! and it's 'lore hunting' for the fans! (A/N: get it? cause his a FAn?) fan smiles happily

Test tube sighs. 

"fine.. let me see.." test tube took fans phone to get a closer look.

"can't you see the chemistry test tube? i swear theres like something going on with those two!"

"well if there is it's not really our business fan.. if they want it to be a secret, they can let it be a secret. you can't just write a blog post about the other's that is TOO personal.."

"Well.. not like i haven't made a blog post that isn't already invading anyone's personal space.." *fan shrugs*

"yeah.. but Fan.. you gotta promise to NOT post any of anyones personal secrets alright? if you know, just keep it to yourself." Test tube said in a serious tone.

"fine. i guess that would be a pretty bad thing for me to do.." fan sighs

"i'm proud you came to that conclusion fan." Test tube smiles

Fan also smiles back

"But do you agree with me that they would make a good ship."


"Ye.. ye i guess it would." Test tube sighs as she agrees and chuckles a bit.


"Soooooo... what now??" Cheesy said as he walks beside trophy.

"I don't know, your the one who asked to hang out.." Trophy said annoyed

"Well JEEZ. so we are just gonna pretend what happened earlier didn't happen at all now?!" Cheesy said

"Yes." Trophy bluntly said.

"Oh alright" Cheesy starts to think

Cheesy suddenly got a *GRATE* idea... Thats what he thinks.

"LETS TRY TO DO A ESCAPE ROOM!" Cheesy said excitedly

"ok ok ok.. WHAT?! YOU EXPECT ME and... you.. TO BEAT A ESCAPE ROOM?!" Trophy said in surprised and confusion

"well.. we could always bring Test tube. Shes a smart gal!" Cheesy said confidently.

"i mean yeah.. but you do know like almost everyone in this hotel still don't FULLY like me yet... for understandable reasons.." Trophy sighs as he scratches the back of his head.

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