Chapter 4:

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Sorry if this took long, i been busy with school and kinda been losing motivation lately. 



this chapter includes swearing! yes you heard me! i decided to add swears now so you have been warned.


They we're both just staring in awkward silent.. till cheesy decided to break the silent.

"oh- uhhh.. heyyy Trophy and Soap!"


OH SHI- OH CRA- WHY CAN'T I SWEAR! WHY DO I WANNA SWEAR???! WHAT DO I DO IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION?!! It's alright cheesy.. just breathe in and out and just make an excuse! yeah! smile and make an excuse! just as simple as that!

i smile at them as i wipe my tears away

"How long have you guys been standing there? hehe.." i let out a chuckle to keep their focus on something else.. which clearly didn't work.

"OH MY GOSH! cheesy are you alright?! we heard you crying and saying negative stuff about yourself.." Soap said worriedly... uhhhh what do i say???

"Mhm! i'm all fine! it just.. uhhh...-" What DO I SAY!?!?!?

"I was just uhh... PRACTICING! yeah! uhh I was uhhh practicing for the... uhmmm... ROLEPLAY! yeah! i have been attending paintbrush art class and lightbulb decided to start a play! so yeah!" Well it was half-true. lightbulb did wanted to start a play but paintbrush didn't really agreed or disagreed to it yet.

"i don't thi-" Trophy said before getting interrupted

"That's Wonderful then!" Soap said happily, trophy just groaned.

"yeah! WEll uhh.. GOTTA GO NOW! CYA!" i said as i quickly got up, nearly tripping but just continued running fast.

"HEY HEY! you aint going till you fully explain everything!" Trophy said, as i just ran away fast.


"SERIOUSLY?! how could you literally believe that lie! it was so clear that his lying!" I said at soap, a bit pissed that she just easily bought the story of cheesy.

"Look trophy.. it's not really our business." soap said rubbing the back of her head

"It kinda is, aren't you his friend?"

"well technically his Mic's friend, we aren't really close and i think he just needs space and us just pressuring and blabbering him with questions aren't really good for him right now.."

*I wanted to say something but soap was right, Questions isn't what he needs right now.. but shouldn't he need support from his friends? eh.. what would i know. i just keep my emotions to myself.. but i do kinda feel a bit bad..*

"Whatever...shouldnt you still go to atleast comfort him.?"

"I still have a lot to clean and if you are so worried why don't you check on him?"

"cause he isn't my friend? why should it be my job."

"You seem to care about it a lot so why don't you go comfort him?"

"Ugh.. i'll just go back to my room." I said as i start climbing up again.. Jeez when is Oj gonna get the darn elevator fixed..


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