Chapter eleven

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The sun was to set soon. Jeongguk and Lisa took notice of this and decided to set up their tent. While Lisa worked on building the tent, Jeongguk wandered around to collect dry twigs for their fireplace. After all, they needed some light and heat. Also, a place to cook. After collecting a good amount, he began to dig a circle with a thick piece of bark. He set up some stones around it and placed the twigs. Then he took out a match from his bag and lit it. Then threw it in the twigs, and the fire rose up. He muttered a prayer to keep it burning and then went to help his friend.

"What kind of food do we have?" Lisa asked when he approached. She seemed to be done with building it, and surprisingly, it looked good and comfortable.

"We have some frozen meat that is most likely unfrozen now. We also have rice and some other stuff, I didn't check, " replied he. Lisa nodded.

"Okay, let's cook the meat then," agreeing with her, Jeongguk took out the meat, which was already marinated, and then they began to cook it over the fire, and also heated up their boiled rice. Soon enough, the smell of meat surrounded their area. They just hoped that no wild animals would come.

After dinner, both of them sat by the fire and talked about their theories on the quest, and kept going until it got weirder and weirder. Then Jeongguk decided it was time they go to bed so they can wake up early tomorrow and continue their journey. Lisa agreed, and then they went to sleep inside the tent.


Taehyung was done with their tent. When he turned around, he saw Seokjin stirring a pot, and Aegis eating a steak. He walked closer to Seokjin and looked at what he was making. Rice porridge with some vegetables it looked like. Taehyung was fine with that. He was hungry, and he was fine with eating anything, even tiger meat. He thought as he glanced at the beast. Instantly, the tiger looked at him and growled, his teeth covered in the meat bits and blood.

As much as he wanted to fight the tiger, this one was the omega's, and he didn't want to look bad in front of the omega. So he turned his eyes away.

Seokjin was humming a song as he stirred, and so Taehyung decided to interrupt him with a question.

"Didn't you smell meat being cooked?" Seokjin regarded him with a bit of annoyance at the interruption but replied nevertheless.

"No, I don't have hightened senses like you, Alpha" said Seokjin. Taehyung thought for a second.

"I think someone else is here in the forest. After dinner, I'm finding them. Who knows, we might get some valuables from them." Said the alpha. Seokjin scoffed.

"Are you going to steal?" When Taehyung nodded, he continued. "You might be a nation known theif, Tiger. But I'm not letting you steal on my watch, " he declared.

"Just close your eyes then." Seokjin raised the spatula to hit him, but he moved. Then Seokjin took the pot off the fireplace. "I'm just gonna see if they're a threat. If they are, I'll steal. If not, I'll leave them be," he assured.

"Whatever, just eat what I made," Seokjin said and poured the porridge into two wooden bowls. Then they had dinner.

After dinner, while Seokjin and Aegis got ready to sleep, Taehyung plotted how to approach his target. He was taken out of his thoughts when Seokjin asked him a question.

"If you are really going to steal, then take Aegis with you." He said. Taehyung glanced at the beast, and he looked straight at him.

"If he promises to behave," the tiger rolled its eyes and sneered. Then walked past Taehyung to where the presumed target is.

They both walked for a while in the dark, Aegis led the way. Then, a bit far, he saw light and the smell of smoke. They had reached their target. Then, Taehyung motioned for Aegis to be quiet and began to climb a tree. The tiger looked confused and started to sniff the air.

Taehyung ignored the tiger and continued his ascent. When he was up a good amount, he grabbed onto a thick vine and swung to the next tree and landed without a sound. Being experienced and all. He continued like that for a bit and saw a tent and a fireplace. Because of the flames, he could see shadows of the ones inside. There were two of them. Taehyung looked down and failed to spot Aegis. Figuring he might have gotten scared, Taehyung chuckled and slowly began to climb to the next tree in order to access the entrance of the tent.

He grabbed the thickest vine on the tree and tied it to the strongest branch and his waist, and then lowered himself down. When he was at a good distance, Taehyung reached down with a knife and made a small hole in the tent, and then hooked the zipper to his dagger. He pulled down the zipper and looked in. What he saw left him breathless.

There laid in peace, his omega. The one he dreamt about, the one he was sent to find. The one who called out to him. The one he painted. His beautiful omega. The prize of Venus, the ruler of Lupine. Kim Taehyung's omega. Jeon Jeongguk.

But his moment of peace was interrupted by a roar, which awoke the sleeping omegas. Taehyung lost his balance, and the vine around his waist loosened, and he fell with a thud. His vision blackened for a second, and when it cleared, his knife was pressed against his throat, and the most gorgeous omega was pressing him down.

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