Chapter three

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The evening sun shone over the peasants as they wandered along minding their own business. A man in dark robes and hooded cloak walked among the people, and many seemed to not notice his presence. When someone did, he would slip away into another street and they would be left confused. He came to a halt infront of a small building. There was a wooden sign that read 'The wandering wolf'. He pushed the door open and trotted inside.

"Oi! Kim, what a pleasant surprise!" Someone inside the tavern called out guffly. The man, no doubt an alpha, walked in confident strides towards the caller. The goons in the club stared at the man in awe and jealousy. Startling blue eyes scanned the area with unspoken hostility, and the man sat himself down on a wooden stool. The loud and chaotic tavern now turned eerie and quiet. The blue eyed stranger rolled his eyes and banged his gloved fists on the table.

"On with your business! Nothing to see here, morons!" Deep voice echoed off the walls of the small tavern and in a rush the peasants had continued on with their matters, trying their best to not at all glance at the new comer.

"Oi, no need to be so rude, Kim. We're all the same here. Now, how about I enlighten you with some rum, ay?" The beta spoke with an accent and leaned forward on the table. The alpha's face was covered with a mask and only his eyes were exposed. Even then, their striking colour made it hard to maintain eye contact.

Even the confident beta seemed to be struggling with meeting the alpha's eyes. "I didn't come to drink, Rowoon. I came for some information" he spoke with a good amount of authority that the beta, Rowoon, chuckled nervously and grabbed a stool to sit.

"Information?" Another chortle, "What could a mighty theif like you want from a poor peasant such as me, ay?" His voice was lowered, like he was scared of someone eavesdropping and cutting of his head for saying the forbidden words.

"You and I both know you aren't an ordinary peasant. You meet and befriend all sorts of people in this rusty place, even me and I rarely befriend people." Said the alpha. Rowoon frowned slightly.

"You're saying you made me your friend for information?" He scoffed. "Oi, I've never been more insulted" said him as he poured himself a drink. The theif rolled his eyes and began speaking again.

"Quit playing and tell me honestly, has any unusually gorgeous omega ever dropped by here?" His husky voice lowered to an almost whisper, and his eyebrows furrowed with seriousness. Rowoon's eyes widened and his breath hitched, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Suddenly loud laughter boomed out of the beta, that surprised the other.

"Honestly! If you wanted a hook up, you could've just said so. Aye aye ay, Tiger you're such a dork!" Rowoon wiped the tears off his eyes and continued laughing. Tiger's eyes darkened and he clenched his fist.

"I'm being serious, you shit head!" The man smacked the beta's head and Rowoon sputtered. "I'll ask you again, perhaps you've heard anyone talk about a gorgeous omega?" He asked with a glint of hope in his eyes. Rowoon raised an eyebrow at that, but spoke nevertheless.

"Uh...well I mean, you know how these goons are, they see one young omega and suddenly that is the most ethereal thing they've seen. So if you're talking about these idiots thirsting over pretty things, then yes. But I must admit I've never seen one that sparked my interest" he ended it with a thoughtful hum, and Tiger swore under his breath.

He sat up and Rowoon followed. "You're seriously no use. I'm leaving and I won't be back for another few months, goodbye!" He declared and walked off. He heard Rowoon calling him again and offering rum but he walked on and slammed the door shut when he was outside. The evening breeze greeted him once more and he continued on with his strides. His dream was the only thing he could think off.

There was a voice, soft and soothing. It was speaking to him. "Taehyung, I need you to find me" they said. He never heard that voice before, how did they know his name? "Taehyung, are you listening? Find me, my alpha. Aegis will guide you" who was Aegis? Who was this person? Taehyung had questions he wanted answered but he couldn't speak. There was darkness around him and he could only hear. The voice came from everywhere.

"Taehyung, I need you now. I am ready!" The voice was becoming more clearer now and Taehyung could identify it was a male's. Who are you? He wanted to ask but his voice never came out. "Seek the goddess, find Aegis and come to me. I'm waiting" then the voice faded. He saw a soft glow faraway and he wanted to chase it but his feet were stuck where he stood. But soon the glow brightened and came towards Taehyung. The light blinded him momentarily and when it cleared he stood on a green valley, overlooking a lake. On the banks of the lake, someone laid.

First Taehyung had thought they were sleeping but he realised that their hand was playing with the water. He stalked closer to the person and realised it was a man. He was clad in perfect white robes and they hugged his figure beautifully. The man sat up and turned to him and Taehyung was awestruck. He was the most gorgeous person Taehyung has ever laid his eyes on and he wanted to get closer but again his feet were glued to the green grass. Taehyung was starting to hate this thing. The ethereal stranger spoke. "Taehyung, find me" it was that soft voice. Taehyung's eyes widened when the person began to shimmer and fade. He reached out his hand and just in time his feet were unstuck but just as he reached to the person they vanished and he fell into the lake.

Taehyung had woken up with a start after that dream and he couldn't forget it. He knew it was a message and he needed to find that person but how? Frustration clawed at him as he stormed out of the village and into the forest. He thought that chaotic beta Rowoon would've known something but that drunk was useless. But Taehyung couldn't give up yet. He will find that stranger.


Here comes the big alpha!😂. Leave comments and vote everyone and I hope so far this has been enjoyable💜💜

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