Chapter eight

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Jeongguk was reluctant to get up. Lisa came in and shook him awake. He sat up and murmured something about forgetting dreams. Lisa didn't seem to care, she was too busy rambling about the quest. Jeongguk stood up from bed and went to restroom with Lisa in his tail, still talking. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, then he applied his creams and turned to her.

"I need to pee and shower" he deadpanned, and she stopped her rant abruptly. Only then, did she seem to realise where they were.

"Oh, yea sorry!" She chuckled and shuffled out of there. Jeongguk continued on with his routine.

After breakfast, Jeongguk was called to the main den by Duri and he went. Upon reaching the den and coming face to face with Duri, he bowed and she bowed back.

"Good morning, Jeongguk. How do you feel?" She asked as they both sat down.

"I'm alright I guess. A little worried but alright" he said. Duri nodded slowly and then took a big sigh.

"Alright, ask your questions. You will need to leave soon, and who knows when we will see each other again" she said.

"Why won't we be seeing each other? Is this quest that much dangerous?" Jeongguk questioned. Duri shook her head.

"We don't know anything, but I do not have any good feeling about what awaits in Narva" she explained with a grim look in her face.

"I'm planning to take Lisa with me. Is that okay?" He asked. Duri looked at him, the grimace in her face now gone.

"Oh yes, no problem. She's been torturing me with her babbles about your safety" Duri chuckled. Jeongguk smiled at that.

"Alright. I have a question, why did you make me hide my wolf from everyone?" He asked his doubt. Duri raised her eyebrows at his question.

"Gukkie, haven't I told you stories about the omega of Venus?" When Jeongguk nodded, she continued. "The fur of your wolf is gold, no wolf has gold fur except yours. Which is why if anyone sees him, it'll be dangerous" she said. Jeongguk nodded understandably.

"Okay. So, is that also why I wasn't allowed to train with anyone?" He asked. Duri nodded.

"Yes, you are much too powerful than any wolf out there" Jeongguk suddenly felt insecure. Is he really like that? He never thought of himself as powerful, what if he proves everyone wrong? What if he couldn't do this? So many doubts swarmed his head. Duri seemed to sense it and she reached out her hand.

Jeongguk stared at it for a couple seconds, then looked back at his own hands which he was fidgeting with. He then placed his hand on hers and she clasped her other hand over them.

"You will do amazing. I'm proud of you no matter what" she said and smiled softly. Jeongguk couldn't help the smile that made his way to his lips.

"Thank you ma, I would probably be dead if it weren't for you." He said and it was true. He was so grateful for the elder omega. She was his other mother, she nurtured him and took care of him. He owes her.

"Well then, if you haven't packed up, you should and then you can leave with Lisa" her voice slightly wavered at the end. Jeongguk stayed still, his eyes drinking up her face and studying every feature. Then he stood up, walked around the table and leaned down to peck her head.

"I will miss you, ma. But I promise I'll see you again" he promised and slowly let go of her hand. Duri smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Don't make such promises, it's hard to keep them" she murmured. But Jeongguk heard it very clearly, yet he didn't comment on it. Then he turned on his heel and walked off to find the blonde.

It didn't take him long to find her. She was under their favourite apple tree, her head covered by her arms as she sat hunched like a ball. When he got close he heard small hiccups and realised his best friend was crying.

"Hey loser! What are you crying for?" He asked and crouched infront of her. She quickly looked up and wiped her tears and tried to act like she wasn't crying but her red eyes and tear stained face gave her away.

"I'm not crying dipshit!" Her voice broke at the end. That gave her away too.

"Aw, are you worried about me, Lizzie?" He cooed and ruffled her hair. She swat his hand away and sat up properly, causing Jeongguk to do the same.

"Of course I'm worried about you! You are an idiot who can't even find his way out of a paper bag. How am I supposed to be completely okay with you just wandering off into the wild, that too Oxin, and getting your ass killed!? Do you even know what's in Narva?!" She rambled and Jeongguk blinked twice. Then he held up his finger and began talking.

"First of all, I won't fit in a paper bag. Secondly, I'm not gonna be alone, you're coming with me. And thirdly, no I have no fucking clue about what's in Narva. Thank you" he completed. Lisa stared, he stared back.

"Wait what!? You're taking me with you?" She asked, suddenly a huge smile on her face. Then she hugged him and Jeongguk gladly hugged her back.

"Alright now pack up! We have to leave at noon" he said and she nodded. Then they both stood up and went to do their respective duties. If only they knew what awaits in this quest.


Hey guys, so because of my exams I wasn't able to update but from now I'll try to be more active. Thanks for your patience💜

Ps. Did anyone catch the reference?

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