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Excited everyone began packing.

Gyuvin, Gunwook, and Yujin were done quickly because since they already knew about the trip they had already begun packing in advance.

Even though Ricky was still shocked by the sudden trip he was still as excited as others and packed his stuff quickly with the help of the others.

"LET'S GO!!!"


After a long ride, they finally arrived at their destination!

They went to their hotel first to put their stuff there.

Gyuvin was roommates with Gunwook while Ricky was roommates with Yujin.

After taking things they needed they headed to the beach.

Everyone was so excited to jump in the water except...

the cat. Ricky.

He doesnt like swimming. He doesnt like getting wet in general.

He was sitting on the beach towel while watching the members preparing to go in the water.

"Hyung aren't you going to change?" Yujin asked.

"No no, I am not. I am not planning to swim." Ricky answered which made them confused.

"What? why not?" Gunwook asked.

"Oh, I just don't like swimming. Actually water in general" Ricky's answer made Gyuvin laugh.

"You are really a cat Ricky."

"Shut up" Ricky rolled his eyes at Gyuvin.

Yujin went quiet after he heard Ricky doesn't like swimming.

What was the point of preparing a beach date if Ricky didnt even like water?

Yujin was feeling bad thinking if he was even good enough for Ricky when he didn't even know his preferences. 

He even wondered if Ricky was only acting like he was excited so that he wouldn't disappoint Yujin.

Ricky saw Yujin looking down and grabbed his hand.

"It's ok tho Yujinie. You guys can go swim I will watch!" Ricky said while smiling in an attempt to cheer Yujin up.

"But-" Yujin got cut off by Ricky.

"No buts. You were so excited to finally jump in the water! I promise I will be fine here now go!" Ricky pushed Yujin to the water and he finally gave in and joined Gyuvin and Gunwook for a swim.

While the others were having fun in the water playing with each other Ricky was also having fun on his own. 

He was eating snacks, taking some pictures, listening to music singing while drawing...It was a while since he took his time and just relaxed while he did everything he liked.

He put his camera after he had taken some nice photos and his sketchbook back into his bag.

While listening to music he watched the others in the water playing and laughing with each other. 

The sight made him smile.

The fact that he was spending time with his best friends and boyfriend made him happy and grateful.

His life wasn't that eventful a few years ago.

He even wanted to give up at some point but he didn't. 

Role model | Yuriz/boknyangzWhere stories live. Discover now