Start of an amazing friendship

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"Yujin! I made breakfast come eat!" Gyuvin shouted from the kitchen placing two bowls on the table—one for him and one for Yujin.

Gyuvin and Yujin are siblings. They live together in an apartment away from their parents because their parent's house is far from school, while their apartment is only a few minutes from school. It took a lot of convincing before their parents agreed because of course they are worried for their children but Gyuvin assured them that they will be just fine.

"Coming!" Yujin shouted back while making his way to the kitchen.

"Sooooo are you excited for school?" Gyuvin asked Yujin who simply replied, "Why would I be ever excited to go to school?" 

"Well, I thought you would miss it after the summer break. Aren't you excited to see your friends again??" Gyuvin asked again. "I can meet my friends outside school. I didn't miss school those past 6 weeks at all" Yujin said clearly not excited for the first day of school. "Come on yujin it will be fine," Gyuvin said chuckling at Yujin's annoyed expression.

After eating breakfast they took their bags and went to school.

They arrived.

When Yujin went to his locker his best friend was already there waiting for him. 

"Gunwook!! Hi!" Yujin said feeling better after seeing his friend.

"Hey Yujin!! How are you? Did you enjoy the summer break?" Gunwook asked. "Yeah, I did. So much I need another one." Yujin sighed already thinking about what to do the next break. "Summer break just ended and you already want another one?" Gunwook asked while laughing while Yujin just whined before he said "Let's just go to our class the class will start soon." 

Gunwook agreed and they started walking when Yujin asked "Oh right, what is the first subject?" Gunwook replied "History." Gunwooks answer made Yujin groan "Are you kidding me?? Noo" Yujin whined even more annoyed than he already was. Gunwook laughed at Yujin's overreacting saying "Come on Yujin. You will survive" and dragged Yujin to class.

When Gyuvin was walking to his locker he suddenly got a text from the class president. 


Hey Gyuvin! 

I wanted to ask if you could help me with something.


Hi Hyung!

Sure what is it?


So basically there is a new student I have to give a tour to but I am busy right now and can't do that. Since the new student will be in your class can you take care of him for me?




Omg, thank you so much. The student will be in the principal's office when he comes so you can go there.




Thank you again!

After reading Taehyun's messages he put his phone back in his pocket and made his way to the principal's office.

He knocked on the door and the principal let him come inside.

When he entered he was met with the principal and a very pretty boy. 

Role model | Yuriz/boknyangzWhere stories live. Discover now