' By the way... When did you realized that you really love me? ' , Nero suddenly asked her as she is caught off guard by him.

' What??.. Wha—what are you talking about?? ' , Phoebe is embarrassed and attempted to walkout again but before she could anything , Nero immediately held her hand and push her towards him. At that moment , their bodies are so close to each other that they could already hear their heartbeats. And their faces leaning towards each other that they can already gasps their breathes.

' I know you're afraid about what's the future holds between the two of us but can you at least believe in me! No matter what happens , I'll only love you and no one else!! ' , Nero uttered as he looked at her and hoped that whatever Phoebe's thinking , he could at least put some assurance to her that he will never back out of his words.

' I know... I know what I'm going face the moment I realized how much I love you!! And I'm afraid but I'm scared more of not saying and letting you know about how I truly feel!! ' , Phoebe exclaimed as she is teary eyed while looking at him. Nero doesn't want anymore other than her words and her love. He is smiling and she is smiling as the two shared a very romantic hug that lasted quite a while.

A few days later... It's Nero's birthday party already as well as his welcome party after staying abroad for many years. It was all fancy and elegant as the venue were filled with decorations and other . The V&D Hotel is a five-star hotel and is one of the properties of Nero's family.

' Where the hell is he already? ' , Hanz is already on edge as the party will begin in just 20 minutes but Nero is still no nowhere to be found.

' He texted me earlier that he will gonna be late. ' , Vanica uttered as she suddenly appeared from behind which startled Hanz.

' I thought you're in Paris until weekends? That's very unusual for you to miss the fashion week.. ' , Hanz nonchalantly uttered towards his sister who is obviously someone he can't get along with.

' My brother's birthday is more important than anything else! ' , Vanica coldly replied as she smile towards Hanz before leaving him. Hanz really felt so distant towards his sister as the two have a very contrasting personalities and views in life and even in business.

' Sir , the chairman has already arrived sir! ' , Hanz was interrupted as one of his staff informed him about his father's arrival as well as his mother and other relatives of them.

Meanwhile , Nero hasn't been home since last night as he is so busy tending other things after he went full blast yesterday. A decision he made not just for himself but also for Phoebe as he tried to make sure his mother won't be able to do anything when they meet again.

' Are you out your mind???!!! ' , Jena went berserk after he heard the words that came from her little sister's mouth.

' Ate , can you please keep your voice down. Mom and dad might hear us! ' , Phoebe is so scared as to what her parents will do if they found out what she and Nero did yesterday.

' Where the hell is that idiot? I'm really gonna break his neck!! ' , Jena is already furious as she is flabbergasted and surprised at the same time.

' H—he went somewhere. He said he has something to get before we go to his birthday party. ' , Phoebe uttered as she tries to get away as far as she could to her sister who is anytime might explode from anger.

' Ahh... I know your mad Ate Jena but can you please hear us out? I promise I'll explain everything to you after the party bye!!! ' , Phoebe uttered before storming out of the house or else her sister might kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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