Chapter 3:The Sorting Hat

Start from the beginning

When McGonagall asked" Cassiopeia Lestrange" to have her chance in her sorting, The whole hall became silent. small whispers were heard. Cassiopeia slowly paced to the stool and sat on it.McGonagall placed the hat on the girl.

" Another didn't sort one of you since your uncle Rabastan. But I see you're different. Very different indeed. You are similar to your Uncle Sirius, but a calmer, introverted, and much cleverer version.

"Please don't mention Sirius Black! He was a stain on my family. I don't want to end up like him!" Cassiopeia whispered to the sorting hat afraid of what her family would think.

 "No, no Cassiopeia. You wouldn't end up like him. Everyone has their own personality and destiny they can mold. anyways,...Gryffindor!!!"

The hall was silent, no one dared to move. But then the professors started clapping politely and the whole hall started applauding. Cassiopeia was a little disappointed she didn't get into Slytherin but skidded across the room to the Gryffindor table where she sat next to Alissa, who was the only one from the whole table who greeted her happily.

Cassiopeia Started talking to Alissa, who became friends with her quickly. She didn't actually pay attention to the sorting after that. Ronald Weasley and Ivy Potter were sorted into Gryffindor at that time. Until McGonagall mentioned Astrea. " Astrea Black" 

The hall was again silenced again, but no whispers came. Astrea slowly climbed to the stage where the sorting hat was placed. when the hat was placed on her, she whispered something into the sorting hat's ear which made it shout.

Sorting Hat declared her as a SlytherDor![mcGonagall was going to take it off but then she realized...]

The hall was confused. but when McGonagall looked at Astrea she was giggling silently. From the experience she taught Astrea's father, Sirius Black, she knew what it meant.McGonagall was disappointed but a pride swooped over when she thought this girl was taking the marauder's legacy. "Astrea !!!!"

 "Sorry Minnie!!!!"The hat was placed on her again as she looked at Minerva apologetically. 

The sorting hat sorted her into Slytherin and a small applause was heard while Astrea walked to sit with her cousin. The hall was still confused about what happened.

Then Professor McGonagall invited probably the most famous boy in the entire Hall to the sorting. "Harry Potter"

[The hall goes silent again. whispers were started again.]

"Oh no."

"The boy who lived?"

"The person who killed you-know-who and his Right-hand death eater's daughter! What a year!"

"A Lestrange and a Potter And a Black in the same year?"

"This year's going to be full of drama"

Harry walks up and sits under the sorting hat. The whole hall started to get a good look at him

" Hmm... difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage I see, not a bad mind either.There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself.But where to put you?"

Harry was whispering to the hat. "Not Slytherin.Not Slytherin."

" Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all in your head. And Slytherin will help your way to greatness! There's no doubt about that. No,"

But Harry was still whispering."Not Slytherin.Anything but Slytherin."

"Well if you sure, Better be....Gryffindor!!!!"

There is immense cheering as Harry Goes to the table.

The Weasley twins were probably the most excited by this sorting." We got Potter! We got Potter!"Harry sits down at the table.

McGonagall tapped her spoon on her goblet." Your attention Please."

as Dumbledore said." Let the feast...Begin", food appeared in front of the students. Ron digs in, stuffing his face with chicken legs. Draco raises his eyebrows in astonishment and digs in too. Cassiopeia wasn't hungry, but since she didn't want to starve later, she at a small pumpkin pasty

Later after the dinner the Gryffindors are seen following their prefect and the brother of Ron, Percy to their common room...

"Gryffindors keep up. Follow me, please. Thank you. This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change."

Most students, especially half-bloods and muggle-borns were astonished to see that the pictures and paintings at Hogwarts can walk and talk. "Look! That picture's moving!"

But most of the Purebloods were confused as to why they didn't know that portraits can do that... "Why, aren't they supposed to?"

" Actually, in the muggle world, they don't."

The people in the paintings were welcoming the students, Especially the first year. " Welcome to Hogwarts!"

A bit later on the seventh floor, they are in a corridor leading to the Gryffindor Tower. They come near a larger painting with a fat woman in it. This was the 'Fat Lady'.She asked for a password and Percy replied "Caput Draconis." the fat portrait opened revealing a doorway to the Gryffindor common room. 

" Wow!"

Inside the common room, Percy welcomed the young Gryiffindors to their common room. 

" Gather round here. Welcome to The Gryffindor Common Room.Boy's dormitories, upstairs and down to your left.Girls, same on your right. You'll find your belongings already taken to the dormitories."

Later in the girls' dormitory Cassie, Alissa, Ivy, and Hermione were unpacking.Alissa was talking to Cassiopeia."I'm surprised you didn't reject me because I'm a muggle-born."

Cassiopeia was confused as to why she would reject her " Why's that?"

Just then, Mione who was done unpacking started explaining out of nowhere." Most of the pureblood families, especially from the Sacred 28 are prejudiced and hate muggle-borns. They use the word 'Mudblood' as an insult to muggle-borns. And aren't you Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter?"

Cassie smiles at her before replying " Let's just say I'm different". 

In The Slytherin Girl's dormitory, Lucy was with Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, and Astrea Black. She really missed her cousin Cassie already. She also writes a letter to home to tell all the events that happened that day.

 Author's notes - Sorry for the very long chapter. I was actually glad to finish it. Now you know their houses. 

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