Chapter Nine - Secrets of the Past

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"Let's make a deal," he said. Looking at the girl in front who had a confused expression.

"What do you mean, stay here?" she questioned.

"God, you're not that fucking naive or dumb are you. Can't you understand the first time, I said it?" he was pissed. He didn't like repeating himself.

"No...Please, I don't want to stay here. I want to go home." she pleads.

"And, I'm letting you go home after a month." slicing himself a piece of steak and putting it in his mouth. Looking deep into her eyes in the process.

"Just be the goody two shoes you are and you'll be let go in a month." coldly he uttered. Not caring about the girl in front of him who's shedding tears.

Finishing his breakfast, Jungkook made his exit leaving the girl alone in the dining area. Tears keep streaming down her eyes.

Wiping her tears she said to herself. "It's only a month." comforting herself she made her way out of the dining room.

Deciding to go back to the room. She made her way upstairs, unfortunately for her the place was huge and all looked the same. She then found herself, opening the doors of every room she encounters.

She now had found herself in a hallway where a big door was at its end. It was painted in grey but its frame was carved in a gold color.

Much to her curiosity, she opened the door. Only witnessing a room so big, it was the room that it different from the aesthetic of the whole house. It was painted in light colors with a bed with white covers and duvets.

Next to the bed was a crib with toys dangling above it. She, being the curious person she is, entered the room. Then there she saw a huge picture on the wall. There she saw Jungkook with a beautiful girl holding a baby in their arms.

She was perplexed, he wondered if the man who had kidnapped her was married. Yet, he was there abducting her and bringing her into his house. Where he and his wife are living, he is about to have sex with a girl in this house. Where he, his wife, and his child live, and thinking about it made Y/N sick to her stomach. She had always hated cheaters and mistresses who ruins a family.

And here she almost became one. It may be not her intention but thinking about the man's wife's reaction bothered her. She was disgusted by Jungkook and how he decided to ruin his precious family just to abduct girls and sleep with them.

On the frame was a text written in what she thinks is Italian and carved in gold paint. She brought her hand towards, it just as she was about to touch it. She heard a man's deep voice.

"What the fuck are doing here!" he exclaimed. It was Jungkook and the look on his face already indicates that he was mad as hell.

He made his way towards her and grabbed her arm in a tight grip. Clutching it may leave a bruise later. As he dragged her out of the room. Y/N whimpers in pain, asking him to leave her arm. Once getting out of the room he entered another room that was quite familiar with the room she stayed in last night.

He threw her, as the poor girl met with the floor. There he lets out his anger, screaming at her.

"Don't you fucking go into that room, you are here. Don't you fucking go in there," he yelled. Anger flowed out of his words.

A soft cry was heard and there he snapped. He looks at the girl on the floor who is shivering in fear and holding her bruised arm.

He then the same thing he was feeling last night. The feeling of regret and guilt and it was eating him up. Too much to suck in. He again made his exit out of the room.

Y/N let out more tears once he went out. 

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