Chapter 8

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Amy's POV

I waited a second under the patio before running to my car. "Amy. Wait." I heard a voice call out in the darkness of the rain.

I turned around to see it was Ricky. Shit.

"Why don't you tell me? Why wait until now?" He yelled through the loudness of the rain.

"Ricky I couldn't Adrain threaten them. I was scared she would actually go through with them. I couldn't let myself be selfish. I had to do what was best for them, protect them, no matter the cost. I can't let myself be selfish, I can't have what I want." I didn't even know what I was saying it was as if my brain stopped and it was my heart speaking, because all I want is him, our family.

"What do you want Amy? Just be selfish for once and take what you want." I hadn't realized how close we were.

I finally was able to meet his eyes. There was rain drops falling from his eye lashes, and down his lips.

Screw it. I grabbed the neckline of his shirt and pulled his lips to mine. I felt his hand slide to my hip and the other to my cheek, pulling me closer.

He kissed back, causing me to gasp. He took the opportunity and slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up by the ass. I moved my fingers in his soft hair.

We finally broke apart needing air. "That was, unexpected. Last I remember a certain princess said I wasn't her type." Ricky teased, raising an eyebrow.

I giggled. "I said I wasn't in a good mood okay. I was on my own that day. I didn't even tell Madison and Lauren. Anyways we should probably go inside before we get the flu." I joked.

We walked into the apartment, throwing our keys on the table. I walked to mine and the twins room.

I checked on them to see them peacefully sleeping and then walked over to my dresser to grab my pajamas.

I walked to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and changing. I walked out of the bathroom shaking my hair with the towel to finish drying it.

As I lifted my head and walked I it the kitchen to grab ice cream I saw a shirtless Ricky through the crack of his door. I took a bite of ice cream, licking the spoon.

I watched as he slid his shirt down his abs. I turned around eating more ice cream before he noticed. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his own pint of ice cream.

I walked out of the kitchen towards the couch. "So did you like the show?" He said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said with a mouthful of mint chip. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv, turning on Chesapeake Shores.

I felt Ricky flop down next to me. "So where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Ricky asked.

"New York, I've always dreamed of going there for school but it's just so beautiful there. The twins will be in kindergarten. A white fence. But that's just a dream it won't happen. What about you?" I spoke.

He had this goofy grin on his face. I bent my knees up on the couch and turned towards him.

"What is it? Come on tell me." I begged, dragging out the me.

"It's nothing, just uh me too." I heard him mumble the last bit through his bite of ice cream.

I felt heat rush to my face, ignoring the fact that I heard what he said. "Yeah sure." I said with ice cream.

"What does that mean." He joke. "Nothing." I said standing up to throw away my ice cream, Ricky following behind me.

"Tell me." He demanded jokingly. "No." I said. He has this wicked smirk.

Oh no. "Ricky no. I hate being tickled." I said. He charged towards me and I ran around him we kept running around until he ticked me. I thought he was going one way when he went the other and caught me.

He began to tickle me, I started to fall backwards I grabbed him, twirling us around so that he landed on the ground first but apparently we fell onto the couch.

"Sorry." I whispered. I pushed my hands by his head to help lift myself off of him. Some of my hair fell in front of my face at the motion, blinding me.

I tried to move my hand to hold my body steady but I failed, I held myself off of him again, my face failing more. "I've got you." Ricky said, I felt his soft warm hand moved my hair behind my ear.

I looked up at him smiling from embarrassment. "Thank you." I slowly moved myself off of him and sat on my knees.

"I should get to bed. Goodnight Ricky, see you tomorrow." I spoke standing to my feet.

I walked over to my room, closing the door slightly before checking in the twins.

I walked over to my bed and went to sleep.

There was a knock on the door. I stopped making out with Ricky and went to open the door. There stood Adrian.

She stabbed me in the abdomen and the. Knocked Ricky out. I fell to the floor, struggling to get up. I watched as she stormed into the nursery.

"This is your fault Amy." She said. I tried to stop her from getting to the twins but I was too late I watched as she stabbed them.


I shot out of bed, panic screaming through my body. I ran to check the twins, even checked their pulse. I sighed in relief as I felt their hearts beating.

I sat cross legged on my bed, rubbing my hands on my face.

I bit my lips trying to hold back tears but they came down anyway. I felt like I couldn't breathe, a sob escaping my mouth. I grabbed my pillow and cried, the sobs becoming louder, the pillow muffling it a bit.

The small light flipped on, I looked up to see Ricky with furrowed eyebrows. He walked over to me and sat next to me on my bed.

"I'm fine, it was just a nightmare. Go back to bed Ricky." I whispered, unable to look at him.

"Amy you're not fine. What happened?" He took mine in his and squeezed it.

"Adrain she came in stabbed me, knocked you out and stabbed the twins." I stuttered, breaking into another fit of sobs. "I tired so hard to stop her but I was too late." I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I felt him bring me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I cried into his chest. We stayed there for what felt like hours.

I finally stopped crying and we just sat there for a second. He slowly moved apart from me. I looked at him and saw it tear and snot covered shirt. Oh god I probably look awful.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Ricky your shirt is ruined. And I look like a mess. I'm sorry for waking you really I'm down please go back to bed." I said in embarrassment.

He stood from the ground, I thought he was going to leave but instead he took his shirt off and set it on the chair.

I laid on my side, placing my head in my pillow and arm. I felt him place my covers back on me. I thought he was going to finally leave but he instead flipped over me and onto the bed. He got in the covers and turned his front side to my backside. I felt his warm arms wrap around me, he just knows I need something real. His touch, it felt comforting.

"Better." I just simply nodded. We laid there in silence.

"Ricky." "Yeah what is it?" He whispered. "What if me and the twins just leave. We could start new lives and get far away from Adrian and her threats. Maybe in a few years when they're older we could come back." I whispered.

"If that's what it takes for you to be okay. For them to be safe. And for you to have the life you want, then do it." He whispered, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"Maybe in a few years we could come back." I whispered. I felt a tear roll down my cheek before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

Child Development, Her Greatest Regret (Amy & Ricky)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant