Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

I just returned from Europe 5 months ago, I came home right before I gave birth to my twins John and Emma. My mom told the school that I had a great opportunity to study abroad for a year which was really just her way of getting rid of her pregnant teen.

I miss them, I had to give them both up because my mom wouldn't let me keep them because I had no plan, no job, nothing. I hadn't even told the father.

Today was my first day back to the high school and I was nervous, I mean I just disappeared I. The middle of the year, I didn't even tell my best friends I was leaving or that I was pregnant.

I walked through the halls with my sister Ashely, today was her first day of high school so she was sticking pretty close.

But I think it's mainly because she worries about me, her and my dad both supported me keeping the twins but mom got the final say. Ashely knows how hard it was for me to give them up.

"Okay, Ash I appreciate the support and you wanting to stay by my side but you can go to your locker. I'll be fine." I said, placing a smile on my face.

She raised her eyebrow at me and shook her head before she walked across the hall to her locker.

"Omg Amy." I heard Madison and Lauren yell. The felt them wrap me into a tight hug before I could even move.

"Hi girls. How have you been?" I asked moving out of the bone crushing hug.

"We've been good, now tell us about Europe. Any cute hot boys?" I heard Madison say but zoned out when I saw him, Ricky. Emma and Johns father.

"Amy?" Lauren said. I snapped out of my haze and turned back to reality.

"Europe, Europe was great." I lied. It was a cult, a convent about how teenagers shouldn't have babies.

The bell rang  and I went to my first class.

I finally sat down at lunch with Ashely, Madison and Lauren.

We were talking when a brown haired boy came over to us, he seemed familiar.

"Hi Amy. How have you been? How was Europe?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "It's Ben. I know it's been a year. So why don't you ever call me back after the dance? You just left to Europe with no explanation. I thought you had a good time." Oh no, not BEN. Ugh my worst nightmare.

"Ben. Sorry I about that I've just been still getting back into the groove of things. Europe was great. I did have a good time, but we just went out once I didn't really think I needed to give you an explanation. It had nothing to do with you tho." I said.

"Oh, okay." He said a little disappointed before he walked away.

"Well if it isn't little miss Amy Juergen's." I rolled my eyes at the voice.

"What do you want Adrian? I'm a little busy." I snapped at her, glaring.

"Oh wow, the little slut who thinks she's too good for us has a back bone now." She said loudly, drawing the attention of everyone outside.

I stood up, unbothered. "Coming from the biggest slut of them all. And I don't think I'm better than everyone else." I seethed.

"Okay hoe. But I heard you got around quite a bit before you left. Is that why you went to Europe? Or was it to hide the fact that while having a lot a sex you got pregnant? I mean seriously what school would want you willingly?" Adrian said. I want to punch her.

I heard gasps, whispers begin at her statement.

I leaned forward. "Says the slut that kissed someone else's boyfriend. Oh and the one that has a secret of her own to keep. Like sleeping with your boyfriend's best friend." I smirked, hearing more whispers and gasps.

"You forget Adrian I still have friends that can tell me things and you live next door to me. It was bound to come out. We both know that I didn't get around much, I mean yeah I went on one date with Ben to the football after party but nothing more. Because unlike you I don't go flaunting around that I had sex. And we both know the real reason I left, you lying piece of shit ass slut. I mean you're the one who called the school in Europe and begged them and my mom to give me that scholarship. Because you were threatened, and bothered by me. So unless you want the whole school to find out the REAL reason I left then I'll just say it right here and now. But you don't want that do you?" I said.

"Go to hell Amy." Adrian seethed.

"I'm already there." Was all I said before running into the school, tears on the break of falling.

Child Development, Her Greatest Regret (Amy & Ricky)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon