9. Laid to rest

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The wooded area we had been walking through exuded a sense of tranquility, with only the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional bird song breaking the silence.

As we meandered along the winding path, I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Adonis's demeanor; his usual boisterousness replaced by a contemplative stillness.

Curiosity tugging at me, I finally broke the hush that enveloped us with a query, "Where are we headed, Adonis?" His response was cryptic yet inviting, a simple gesture towards a seemingly inconspicuous bush adorned with delicate blooms.

Instructing me to remain where I stood, he deftly manipulated a hidden mechanism within the foliage, revealing a concealed gate that blended seamlessly with its surroundings.

The sun's radiant rays illuminated our path as Adonis led me through the entrance.

My initial surprise swiftly dissipated as I beheld the sight of countless meticulously tended tombstones.

Side by side, we halted at two imposing grave markers nestled in the heart of the cemetery.

Adonis tenderly addressed the memorials, "Hello Mom and Dad, I have brought someone to meet you."

The introduction hung in the air, awkward yet meaningful.

I glanced at Adonis, perplexed, then turned my gaze to the grave markers.

Gathering my thoughts, I hesitantly spoke, "Greetings, my name is Abby. I am a friend of your son."

Adonis's tender smile conveyed a depth of emotion as he stood by.

"I was excited to introduce you to someone other than my parents," as he turned towards me.

"The expression in your eyes is familiar to me, that moment of feeling lost in yourself," he remarked, referring to when I lost control during the fight.

Adonis showed me two graves, one by another tombstone with the name Medora written in big letters.

The quiet between us got heavier. "Is this your mate?' I asked.

Adonis finally let out a long breath he'd been holding. "Yes, she was. I never really got to know her, but it felt like I did for ages," he said sadly.

"Can I know what happened to Medora?' I inquired respectfully as I sat down near her grave.

Adonis joined me, "I met her just for a few days. Her father was an alpha of a pack nearby, and she decided to come with him on a visit," he recounted.

'Things took a turn for the worse when she arrived, I guess it wasn't the best timing. My parents were unwell, and other packs saw an opportunity to attack," he recalled.

"Medora and my parents didn't survive the attack, so they were laid to rest here," he continued.

I weakly smiled as he finished telling me his story. "I think she would've liked it here," I said, trying to ease the somber mood.

"Maybe she would've. Her death threw me into chaos for days and nights. I started to lose myself, getting aggressive with anyone who bothered me," I gasped softly at his confession.

"I was consumed by a thirst for revenge," he concluded. "But you're not a beast,' I reassured him.

He looked at me with unreadable eyes, filled with countless thoughts. "Fern was younger then; she needed me. We both lost our parents. My pack needed a leader. I took charge to guide and protect those who depended on me."

Standing up, he kindly offered a hand, which I accepted as he assisted me to my feet.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Modora," I expressed, bowing respectfully before departing the cemetery with Adonis.

During our walk, Adonis broke the silence by mentioning, "I wanted to demonstrate to you the fierceness I sensed in your eyes." I chuckled nervously, trying to comprehend his words.

"I apologize for my confusion. There's much I still don't grasp. In my previous pack, I spent years confined to an attic above the packhouse," I disclosed, gazing up at the trees and recalling the dismal, mildew-ridden room.

"I had nothing to call my own. While not all of my past sits well with me, being here has significantly improved my life," I shared with a smile directed at Adonis.

"So, genuinely, thank you. I appreciate you welcoming me here," I expressed gratefully.

Adonis returned the smile. "On a different note, have you discovered the cause of the recent attack a few days ago?" Adonis shook his head.

"Unfortunately, no. We have searched thoroughly, but the rain washed away any traces," he lamented over the lack of evidence against the culprit.

Stepping onto the front porch as we made it back, I reassured Adonis, "It's okay, we will find them. I was just going to say I saw eyes in the tree line after the attack."

Adonis grabbed my forearm and turned me around, asking anxiously, "What? Where in the tree line?"

I looked around and pointed to where I saw the eyes, similar to when I did with Fern.

"I told Fern, I thought she would've told you," I admitted sheepishly, hearing a low growl escape from Adonis as he let go.

"It was staring at me, it was creepy," I added, causing Adonis to stop growling.

"It was watching you?" he inquired. "Yes, I believe it was. It didn't leave until Fern came into my room," I explained, pondering.

"I have someone I need to talk to. Icarus is inside waiting for us," he informed me.

I followed him inside and immediately noticed Icarus' tall statue standing in the living room. "Hey there, Icarus. Did you miss me, buddy?" I playfully greeted him.

However, he sighed and looked down at me as I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"If you would stop talking to me as if I'm a puppy, that would be wonderful," he teased as he joined me on the couch, making me burst into laughter.

'"I could do that, but where's the fun in that?" I expressed, calming my laughter.

"I'm not sure how that would be enjoyable, to claim I enjoy following you every day for the rest of my life," he remarked, crossing his arms.

Filled with disbelief, I placed my hand over my heart.

"That truly hurts my feelings. I would gladly follow myself around," I responded with a smile.

Icarus gave me a side-eye. "Oh yes, because you're the most generous individual," he remarked.

I chuckled, "The most loving person, I dare say, and don't you forget it." As I burst into laughter, Icarus couldn't maintain his serious look, joining in the laughter, until we both halted upon hearing a faint shout from the crowd.

It was Adonis.

"I wonder what that's all about?" I inquired from Icarus, who simply shrugged, stating, "I have no idea, I'm just following you around." I grinned, "Thanks for being a great buddy," causing him to roll his eyes with a smile.

My Abusive mate [revisioned] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant