15. Fighting for dominance

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waking up on the floor, I noticed the room's plainness.

The walls were a nondescript tan, lacking any decorations.

The bed was neatly made with simple white sheets and pillowcases, giving the room a bare atmosphere.

I hugged my knees as the door opened and saw a familiar face - Justin, one of Sebastian's guards.

He always visited me when I was in the attic.

  "Tsk tsk, what did I say about being disobedient?" Justin taunted me as he came over, running his fingers through my hair.

  "But I outran you, didn't I?" I said dryly, making him yank my hair.

"But you're back now," he growled, making me flinch from the sudden pull of my hair as he let go.

Looking up at him, I shot him a glare.

"Right now, I'm here," I said.

Justin chuckled, "If you're thinking about running away, forget it. You won't be going outside again."

Standing up and smoothing out my dress, I replied, "You're just a guard. Your threats don't mean much to me." I straightened my outfit and met his gaze.

His expression wavered briefly before turning back to a dark glare.

"There's something I didn't know then but do now, and you need to understand that I'm your Luna." Justin burst into laughter, throwing his head back in an exaggerated performance.

  "Hilarious. You might be Sebastian's mate, but you'll never be Luna," he mocked. Perplexed, I looked at him but stayed composed.

He continued laughing and left the room, locking it behind him with a click. I stayed put until his laughter faded, scanning the room for any possible escape route.

Without hesitation, I put my hands on my hips and paused for a moment, running my hand through my hair only to get snagged on a hairpin.

With a quick 'Shit' under my breath, I pulled it out and examined it briefly before shifting my gaze to the door.

  Smirking to myself, I confidently approached the keyhole and skillfully inserted the pin, maneuvering it inside.

  I remained composed, relying on my knowledge from television shows.

  Listening intently for a subtle click, I eventually detected it.

  Carefully, I turned the knob, revealing a hallway beyond the door. Peeking out cautiously, I scanned both directions, finding the coast clear.

As I tiptoed down the hallway, checking each corner with a mix of excitement and fear, the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows added a sense of urgency to my mission.

  The sound of voices up ahead made me pause and press myself against a nearby door, trying to blend into the shadows until the coast was clear.

With a quiet exhale of relief, I continued my stealthy journey, finally arriving at the grand room filled with opulent decor and, most importantly, the front door that promised freedom.

  Heart pounding, I surveyed the area one last time, seeing nobody around.

  Without hesitation, I straightened up, gathered my courage, and made a mad dash for the exit, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I burst through the door and onto the lush green lawn outside.

  But just as I thought I was in the clear, a sudden force knocked me off my feet, bringing my grand escape to an abrupt and rather undignified end.

The tingling of the skin, mixed with the intoxicating scent, I knew who it was.

Sebastian whispered in a low voice in my ear, "We need to stop meeting like this."

His warm breath sent shivers down my spine, making me feel uneasy. I tried to move away from him, but his hold on me was strong.

"Let go!" I shouted, struggling to break free. Sebastian, unfazed by my resistance, questioned my actions as he stood me up with him. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked calmly, his gaze piercing through me.

Defiantly, I snapped back, "Getting away from you, obviously." Sebastian released my arm, but his warning sent a chill down my spine.

"I wouldn't run if I were you. I won't be so kind next time," he warned ominously, his eyes darkening.

Trying to mask my fear, I replied, "And I don't plan on being a captive either," crossing my arms in a feeble attempt to appear strong.

As I dusted off the dirt from my legs, I stood back up to face him.

His piercing green eyes lingered on me, the expression on his face unreadable.

"You're not a captive, you're mine," he declared, his grip tight on my wrist as he guided us back inside.

  His long strides made it challenging for me to keep pace, and soon we found ourselves in a dimly lit room littered with disarray.

He pushed me into a seat beside him without a word, his gaze fixated on the papers scattered across his desk.

Curious and slightly uneasy, I glanced around the room, noting the somber atmosphere and the only warmth emanating from the brown decor.

  "Why am I here?" I asked softly.

  Sebastian shifted his attention from his work to meet my gaze sternly. "Someone needs to keep an eye on you since you refuse to stay put," he retorted before returning to his paperwork.

I rolled my eyes before attempting to explain Adonis's request for a guard, but Sebastian's growl silenced me instantly.

  "You will not say his name," he warned with a low, menacing tone that reverberated throughout the room. I bit my lip, leaning back in silence, wary of provoking him further.

Sebastian and I sat in silence, the only sounds being our breaths, the ticking clock, and the scratch of his pencil on paper.

His hand moved swiftly in beautiful cursive, but I couldn't decipher what he was writing.

The quietness around us started to lull me to sleep.

When I finally closed my eyes, Sebastian paused and set his pencil down, causing his chair to creak, snapping me back to reality.

"Are you done?" I queried, as he got up, shaking his head. "For now, yes. But it's time for you to return to your room," he stated, placing the pencil back in its cup.

  I shot up from my seat, adamant. "No way! I haven't eaten anything since I arrived here," I declared, realizing that my lunch had worn off long ago.

My stomach growled in agreement.

Sebastian glanced at me for a brief moment and offered, "I can have something brought to your room." He began to move away from the desk, but I fixed him with a glare, refusing to budge.

"I am not going to my room," I asserted firmly, standing my ground.

"I don't even know you. You may be my mate, but that doesn't give you the right to boss me around," I added, leaning over the table with my hands on the papers.

As he turned back towards me with a glare, his gaze fixed on my hands.

"It's not about bossing you around. It's an order. I am your alpha," he stated as he cautiously approached me.

  "But you are not my alpha," I countered, sliding his papers back deliberately.

"What are you planning to feed me? Leftovers? Spoiled food with tainted water?" I accused, raising my voice.

  Sebastian growled softly, expressing his frustration. "You want me here but refuse to let me reject you," I continued, pushing more forcefully on his books and causing them to spill off the table.

  "You were still provided for," he stated coldly, the room filled with his lingering growl.

"You were still alive, weren't you? You were checked on every single day," he reasoned, only to be met with my vehement outburst as I slammed my hand on the table.

"But not by you!" I yelled.

My Abusive mate [revisioned] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora