8. Primal actions

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I made my way to my bed, watching out the window closely at the people.

Some screamed, scared of the situation. Some shielded their young, moving them away from the scene.

Soon, all that remained was an elderly woman clenching onto the man, crying to the sky that decided to shed soft drips down onto her face as she cursed whoever hurt her son and vowed they would pay.

It's a sad sight, a mother losing her baby after years of tending to every need, cry, and happiness. But life isn't the most loving curse.

No matter what age or background we come from, it's all unpredictable what comes from it.

Isaac came beside the woman, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder as she cried to him.

His mouth moved with words I couldn't hear from my distance. She backed away as she helped him lay a white sheet over the young man.

My body and mind were numb for a couple of days after that. No one bothered me, respecting my wishes.

The thought of glowing eyes haunts me endlessly; every day it replays.

The door opened, causing my eyes to leave the scene outside my window, watching how everything was, as if nothing happened. Fern came back with her brother.

Fern sat at the edge of the bed as I watched her and her brother.

"We both wanted to come see you," she spoke tenderly.

Adonis kept his distance, looking at me, "I would like to apologize for how I behaved outside.

It was not my best behavior, but it's not safe, as you can see," Adonis said, referring to the attack that took place a couple of days ago.

I gave them a nod, shifting my eyes away before looking at him, "I would like to start learning how to fight," I said a bit demandingly. He looked at me, a little taken aback by my words but understood.

Adonis said, "I can see what I can do, but I can't make any promises." Adnois said "We can start practicing today if you feel up to it," he finished.

I nodded, getting up to my feet. "I will be by the door in a couple of minutes," I spoke, hurrying to the closet as they left with a small laugh.

After following Adonis, I made my way to the top of a hill, watching about 60 or so people fighting with one another.

Lauerant was yelling over some of them, correcting them as they fought. "It's nice to see you, Alpha," Lauerant bowed his head before looking down at me. 'I see you're ready to train," he said, making me nervously smile.

"Well, let's see who you will be training with today," he said, searching over the wave of people.

"How about..." Lauerant trailed off. smiling as he pointed his thumb at himself. "Me," he said, making me raise my eyebrows in shock.

"I'll go easy on you," he promised as Adonis watched.

We moved a bit away from the training field. "I don't even know the basics," I said nervously.

Lauerant stood a good several feet away from me. "Basics come from within. Just focus on your breathing and heart; the rest will follow," he said, encouraging me.

Taking a deep breath, I faced off against Lauerant as he got into a fighting stance.

I took a few steps and threw a punch, but he easily dodged it with a chuckle.

When I tried to tackle him, he elbowed me in the side, sending me to the ground. "We can call it quits anytime," Lauerant suggested after 15 more minutes of sparring.

I slowly got back on my hands and knees, determined to keep going. I didn't want to seem weak or give up easily.

With a growl, I charged at him. Instead of dodging like before, I landed a punch in his stomach, causing him to double over.

I ended up pinning him down and throwing a few punches, but he managed to strike back, hitting me in the jaw.

"That's it," Lauerant declared, getting up and spitting out some blood.

I stood there, a bit irritated that the fight was over right when it was getting interesting.

Suddenly, Lauerant shifted into his wolf form and I followed suit, matching his height.

As he playfully nipped at my paws, I let out a yelp and took a step back.

He then bit my hind leg, making me retreat again.

Growling, I observed his movements, leaping over him and biting his side to push him down. I held him in place as he struggled to stand up.

With a deep growl, I sank my teeth into his side, drawing blood through his fur.

As I released him, a hand pushed me away. "Stop, Abby!" Adonis shouted, making me back off. Lauerant whined as he stood up.

In the middle of the chaos, Lauerant strolled through the crowd where the other wolves and members were squabbling.

Their surprised faces turned away as they resumed their brawl.

Eventually, Lauerant came back in shorts, throwing a long black t-shirt at my feet while holding a rag on his side.

I put on the clothes and saw a surprised but upset Adonis. "You were supposed to fight, Abby, not try to kill," Adonis remarked.

"I wasn't trying to kill him," I replied quietly.

Lauerant chuckled, still catching his breath from the fight. "If I didn't know it was your first time, I would have thought you had taken down many others before. You've got serious strength," he said with a smile, wincing as he tended to his wounds.

"You got me good, and I've been the head warrior for many years," he mentioned before saying goodbye to rejoin the other fighters.

"You were going to kill him," Adonis stated softly as he walked away. I frowned and started to explain, but Adonis interrupted me, shaking his head.

"I saw it in your eyes, you were starting to lose control. Abby, you can't just let go of yourself," he said, making me look down and shuffle the grass with my feet. "I'm sorry," I replied softly.

Is it possible that I am actually the monster if I take Fern's mate away because I can't control myself?

I didn't realize I was losing myself and now I'm worried about the consequences of my actions.

Adonis grabbed my arm and said, "C'mon, let's go for a walk. You'll be fine and so will he. Stop worrying."

My Abusive mate [revisioned] Where stories live. Discover now