On the other side, the anti-hybrid communities hailed "Red Diamond" as a hero, a vigilante delivering justice where the government and hunters failed. In bars, on street corners, and across the digital ether, they celebrated each new assassination as a victory in their crusade to cleanse the city of the hybrid "menace." The Red Diamond was elevated to almost mythical status, a symbol of human supremacy and the righteous struggle against what they perceived as the corruption of nature.

The duality of Red Diamond's existence was a microcosm of the city's broader conflict, embodying the contradiction of being both hunter and hunted. Their actions spurred heated debates, fearmongering, and hero worship, yet the true identity and motives of Red Diamond remained shrouded in mystery. Rumors abounded, with theories ranging from a disgruntled former hybrid resistance fighter to a genetically engineered super-hunter created in one of the rogue laboratories.

In the dimly lit alleyway, the air was thick with tension. A young girl, cornered and fearful, faced a hybrid whose intentions were clear in his menacing stance. The hybrid, a large figure with the unmistakable features of a hyena, growled lowly, a smirk playing on his lips as he stepped closer.

"Just stay still, little one. This will be over soon," he sneered, his voice a mix of amusement and threat.

The girl, trembling, backed further into the wall, her eyes darting around desperately for an escape. "Please, don't do this," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper.

It was then that a shadow detached itself from the deeper darkness of the alley. A figure, slender and poised, stepped forward. Clad in a dark red hood and wearing a mask of the same color, the figure stood as a stark contrast against the darkness, a silent avenger in the night. The air around them seemed to chill, the atmosphere becoming even more oppressive.

The hybrid turned, a growl rising in his throat, but it was cut short by the sight of the newcomer. "Who the hell are you?" he snarled, his body tensing for a fight.

The figure, clad in dark attire that blended with the night, remained silent, their presence alone commanding attention. A glint of red, like a ruby catching the light, shone from a piece of jewelry — the only color in the shadowy figure's appearance.

"I'm your worst nightmare," came the cold, even response. The voice, feminine yet laced with an edge of steel, belonged to the Red Diamond.

The hybrid laughed, a sound full of false bravado. "You think you can take me on? I've dealt with your kind before."

Without a word, Red Diamond moved, drawing her katana to cut his head. The action was a blur, a dance of shadows and light. In moments, the hybrid's head was on the ground, a look of surprise etched on his face as he gasped for air, the life fading from his eyes.

The girl, now freed from her imminent danger, looked up at her rescuer with wide, thankful eyes. But before she thanks her mysterious savior, she screams at the sight of his decapitated head. 

"Don't fret, he got what he deserved" said the Red Diamond.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaking, resisting to look at the head.

Red Diamond didn't respond, didn't offer comfort or reassurance. Instead, they turned to leave, their mission completed with the same efficiency and detachment as always.

"Wait, who are you?" the girl called out, seeking something, anything, to understand the enigmatic savior who had appeared out of nowhere.

But Red Diamond was already melting back into the darkness, leaving no trace behind except the whisper of a name that had become a legend in the streets and alleys of the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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