Age play

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This is a sensitive topic for some and I will not be giving my own opinion on this topic, it is for you to decide whether you think age play is morally justifiable, that being said, we do not k!nk shame

Age play is a form of 🐝DSM play that involves the submissive acting like a younger age (usually child or baby age) or slipping into the mental headspace of a child.

The dominant in this case is going to act as a caregiver or parent to the submissive.

The most widely known term for this is DDLG (Dom daddy/little girl) but it is not limited to a dominant man and a submissive women obviously.

S€xual age play is in no way to be confused with age regression. Age regression is never a k!nk. It is a coping mechanism used by individuals, usually ones that had a traumatic childhood, in order to cope with stress, and it is never used for s€xual entertainment. They are not the same, and age regression should never be used in a s€xual context, as age play is frowned upon by a big part of the age regression community.

Age regression doesn't have to differ very largely from conventional age play or s€xual little space from the outside. It is simply the term 'age regression' that refers to a completely non-s€xual experience in which a person uses this headspace for coping.

That does not mean people who go into little space can not have sexual experiences. It is simply a different term. You can use any terms, such as:

Little space
Baby space
Age dreaming
Prince/ss time
Angel time
[Pet name you like] + space/time/dream

You can make upur own term like this too .

There is such thing as a pet space which is, in it's core, similar to little space. It refers to people who slip into the headspace of a pet. For example a dog/puppy, cat/kitten, pony, fox, or whatever else. There are no direct limitations.

This works very similar to age play/little space just that the submissive in this case is a pet and the dominant it's owner.
They will do things such as collaring their pet, feeding them out of their hand or a container on the floor, holding them on a leash, forbidding them to speak and instead they make animal sounds, etc

Note: pet space is not the same as pet play. Pet space is in and if itself not a s€xual activity, while pet play mostly is.

"So, what if I want to write about age regression?"

Don't make it s€xual. This is a book to help with writing smut, but because I have personal experience in this topic and it is a popular trope on Wattpad, I'm going to talk about age regression a bit.

- People who age regress usually had a hard or even traumatic childhood
- some people slip without having control over when and where they regress
- certain things can trigger a little to slip (f.e. seeing comfort items, being called their favorite nicknames, watching a kid's show, etc)
- an age regressor will often have a cg (caregiver) that takes care of them in little space (that can be a friend, parent, or partner)
- littles use teethers, pacis, baby toys etc for coping and to help them slip/stay in little space
- age regressors can slip into different ages:
• 0-6 years old: little space
• 7-9 years old: middle space
(These are only guides, not rules)
- a person can slip deeper into little space with time and regress to a younger age or vary in age or always have the same little age
- there are verbal and nonverbal littles
- caregivers need to make rules with their little for when they are regressed like with any child
- spanking is not (always) an appropriate punishment for a little who did something wrong or was disobedient
- littles can vary between very well behaved angels and literal baby devils, every little is different
- an age regressor is not 'playing' their headspace, taking care of them is like taking care of a child
- I don't know why I have to say this, but age regressors do not go to a daycare; they are teenagers or adults, and there is no such thing (I am not talking about people with medical conditions that are stuck in a younger age mentally)
- age regressed people can not give consent, they are in the headspace of a child!!!
- Littles may be very picky when it comes to food, chosing clothes, or a pacifier to wear and they may throw a tantrum or cry if their needs aren't met (like a child)
- age regressors may have traumatic flashbacks during regression or have triggers that can send them straight into a panick attack
- everyone's little space looks different, do some research on the topic it will help with your writing

Back to age play, some details you can add to your story:

- The submissive wearing diapers or a onesie or pullup
- the little being fed
- lots and lots of nicknames
- creative punishments for when they disobeyed
- demanding the little to be nonverbal ("I didn't know babys could speak?")
- a little that is bratty and disobedient to tease their dom
- childish play (drawing, children's toys etc)
- making rules  for the little that they have to stick to (bedtime, no snacking without permission, etc)
- this k!nk could also pair up well with cnc or c0rruption, given one of the participants is acting to be a minor while the other is much older than them in the r0leplay

If you want to write about age play, remember to keep s€xual little space apart from age regression and you'll be good.

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