Other specific k!nks

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I have made my own experience with this genre, and it's in my opinion the most extreme one when it comes to kinks so let's get into it

1) Knotting
P€nis enlargement at the base during the cl!max, inspired by the mating process of canines, the p€nis is then stuck inside of the bottom for as long as the mating process takes, also referred to as !nflation k!nk

2) Ov!pos!t!on
A k!nk that involves laying eggs in someone's body, usually associated with aliens or other non-human beings, used for this are specific designed ov!pos!tors that are d!ld0s which can be used to transfer eggs into one's body

3) spectr0philia
Attraction towards ghosts and spirits (succubi/inccubi)

4) coiling
Arousal by being wrapped up in a long bodied creature f.e. a snake or tentacles

5) Br€€ding
Arousal by (the idea of) being ins€minated or the potential of getting someone pregnant, often marked by specific positions, dynamics, and creatures (f.e. werewolfs/ animals/ non terrestrial beings)

6) Mating
Usually: s3x between animals with the goal of ins€mination, only possible between a male & female animal
In fantasy context: s3x with the goal of establishing a specific bond between two creatures of any gender, optionally to ins€minate, often used in  AUs in which soulmate or fated bonds are possible

7) Self lubr!cat!on
Usually: The slick a woman produces that coats her vulva to make p€netration easier
In fantasy context: a person/personified character produces slick out of a body opening (V@gina/@nus) from arousal or in context of a mating cycle/heat in order to make p€netration easier

8) Belly bulge
Also referred to as stomach bulging, a k!nk in which someone is p€netrated by something so large there is a visible bulge on someone's belly, often in the fantasy genre in the context of s3x with nonhuman creatures f.e. demons, aliens, etc

Specific k!nks I can't really categorize

1) Ownership/claiming
Arousal by the idea of being owned by another person and having them express jealousy or possessiveness over oneself

2) Hybristophilia
Attraction towards someone who has committed crimes/ is a criminal

3) Abrasions
Arousal by abrasive textures

4) Caging
A 🐝dsm play in which the sub gets temporarily locked in a cage

5) @nal training
The act of training the sphincter muscles to accept (larger) insertions more easily

6) Ahegao
Facial expressions of someone who is 'f*cked dumb' or condition of being 'f*cked silly', especially during the cl!max (popular in h€ntai)

7) Melolagnia
Arousal by music especially the voice, beat, etc

8) Nebulophilia
Arousal by fog, steam, dry ice, or smoke, usually induced after a s3xual experience that involved any of these

9) Vicarphilia
Arousal by hearing someone else talk about their s3xual experiences or s3x life

10) Swaddling
Falling asleep in the midst of p€netration

Innocence/religious kinks

1) Chastity
Being 'locked away' from s3x, or not allowed to have s3x (temporarily), often in a religious context where premarital s3x is demonized, as a k!nk it is usually a form of punishment or religious roleplay

2) Corruption
The idea/fantasy of corrupting a person by taking away their innocence or v!rginity

3) Stygiophilia
The idea of hell or eternal punishment is introduced as a form of religious k!nk, often by people who have previously been part of a religion or cult, to induce arousal

All other kinks that are left without category

1) Thigh R!ding
Humping/ rutting/ grinding against someone's thigh to archive s3xual pleasure

2) Crossdressing
A male character wearing feminine associated clothes or a female character wearing masculine associated clothes

3) Edg!ng
Holding a person at the edge of a cl!max for a longer time, not letting them have an 0rgasm and instead stopping right before the cl!max multiple times

4) Cvckold!ng
The fantasy or knowledge that one's partner is having s3x with someone else, who is often seen as 'better' in terms of more attractive, stronger, or better at satisfying one's partner's needs, to induce arousal

5) D/s 24/7
A 🐝dsm relationship in which the dom and the sub behave according to their assigned 'roles' outside of the bedroom, and more as a lifestyle (might make a chapter on this)

6) F!st!ng
P€netration of one's v@gina or @nus with the entire hand/fist

7) Gags
A form of bondage that is tied around the mouth to prevent talking, also used as a torture device, but in this context to induce arousal

8) Frottage
Just a fancy word for dry humping, meaning clothed or not, humping against another person, grinding against them to archive arousal or an 0rgasm

9) Cybers3x/s3xting
Having s3x over the internet f.e. video call, chat, or another way, or sending suggestive messages and or pictures of oneself to arouse one's partner

10) Body worship
S3x acts in which a person treats their partner like a 'royal' and focuses solely on their pleasure instead of their own, worshipping their body with their actions

11) forced 0rgasm
An 0rgasm that is forced out by another person, either by command, by using devices, or in a fantasy context in another 'magical' way that will force a person to cl!max

12) Rimming
Stimulation of the muscle rim of one's @nus for sexual pleasure, often with a finger circling the rim

13) Multiple 0rgasms
Having multiple 0rgasms in a row

14) Verbal restrictions
A character being restricted form talking or making certain noises/sounds, or expressing themselves verbally at all

15) Objectification
A person being treated/called as an object to induce arousal in them

That's all the k!nks I've got for you, others may be added in the future. I hope this is helpful for you. Feel free to ask any questions.

See ya next time <3

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