Character dynamics

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Contrary to popular beliefs, there's more options than just top and bottom. First of all, let's make the difference clear between top/bottom and Dom/sub.

A top is the person who penetrates the other person
A bottom is the person who gets penetrated

It means nothing else really

A Dom (dominant)
is the leading person during intercourse. That goes from anywhere between simply being the one being in control, to full on 🐝DSM mãster/dãddy dynamics

A Sub (submissive)
is the counterpart to a Dom, and are the ones getting led. They may be naturally obedient or bratty.

A service top
is a top who is more submissive than dominant, and is focused on the bottom's pleasure, doing what they want to make them feel good

A power bottom
is a dominant bottom who takes the lead in bed while bottoming.

A verse top
Is a person who prefers to top but also likes to bottom from time to time

A verse bottom
Is a person who prefers to bottom but also likes to top from time to time

A switch/verse
Is a person who enjoys to top and bottom equally as much, or will adjust to whatever preference their partner has

As you can see, top and bottom are just physical preferences and have nothing to do with the actual dynamic in a relationship.

In (cisgender) heterosexual relationships, this will be less complicated, because
The man is always the top
The woman is always the bottom
Exception: p3gging (the woman penetrates the man with a strap-on)
So either top and bottom equal Dom and sub, or you can have a power bottom and a service/submissive top.

In homosexual relationships, everything is open. You can really play a lot with certain dynamics and it can be lots of fun.

Don't let heteronormativity and sexism tell you how to make ship dynamics. Top does not immediately equal Dom, and neither does bottom immediately equal sub.

Be creative! Play with gender norms!

I hope that was helpful.

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