LGBTQ relationships

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This chapter goes out to all my heterosexual readers and those who have little or no experience in writing about LGBTQIA+ ships.

Anyone can write about gay/lesbian couples, it's not the same as fetishizing them

So when does it become problematic?
- It's problematic when all fics you write about same s3x couples are in traditional hetero dynamics
- A gay couple isn't always going to consist of a big, muscular, protective man, and a short, feminine, sweet boy
- Same as a lesbian relationship isn't always gonna be between a masculine butch/stud lesbian and a femme lipstick lesbian
- There's much more diversity in the community, and you should use the full potential this has
- Gay/lesbian relationships aren't the same as straight relationships, they need a different treatment

With that in mind, here are some Infos and tips on:

Gay smut
- The bottom will need to be prepped with lots of lube and a few fingers every time
- guys need to clean out their ãnus beforehand, it is your choice if you mention this or not, but I'll just mention it because some people don't know
- a pillow under the bottom's hips is helpful, as they need to be raised a little higher for good access
- there's plenty of good positions for guys, don't feel limited! (Might make a chapter on this too)
- The pr0state is the spot you wanna reach, it's in the ãnus, down
- It is called P-spot, not G-spot! That's for women!
- Not all men can cvm untouched (without stimulating the penis)
- yes, condoms are still important even when no one can get pregnant, it's for health reasons
- the back and legs might get sore and the bottom will then be able to feel it during the next day(s), 'weeks after' is not realistic
- don't be afraid to make them be loud in bed, let your men enjoy themselves
- The more masculine dude isn't automatically the top/D0m!!!

Lesbian smut
- Rarest smut you'll find online or anywhere really
- Learn the difference between the cl!toris, vãgina, vulva, and G-spot before you write one single word
- Most women can't cvm without cl!toral stimulation
- tongue, fingers, knees, thighs, sc!ssoring, the options are endless, do some research
- if you wanna write penetration s€x, make it realistic and look up how it works, use reference products for your fics (maybe even include a picture in your book)
- even though women self-lubricate, it can't always be counted on and lube might still be necessary
- the masc women isn't automatically the top/d0m!!! And the other way around!!!

Trans smut
this is also a rare topic and it's more complex so I'll divide it in three topics
When writing any of these, definitely tag it and put a disclaimer, tell your readers what they're signing up for!! Be considerate that your readers may be struggling with those topics and be kind.

- If they take testosterone, their gen!tals look different; look this up
- they might be binding so take that in consideration when undressing
- also consider if your character has gender dysphoria and how comfortable they are in such an intimate situation
- a trans character may want to back out of a s€xual situation because of body dismorphia or gender dysphoria
- let your character's partner give them a lot of reassurance
- you don't have to write the story about them being trans, it can just as much just be a side fact
- don't make it only about the fact that they're trans, but consider and mention it enough so your readers have a good idea of how it affects the story
- if the trans male person has a boyfriend, and they're pre-op, they can engage in normal penetration s€x if they're comfortable with that
- if the trans male character has a boyfriend and is post-op, the gay paragraph is for you
- if the trans male character has a girlfriend and is pre-op, the lesbian paragraph is for you
- if the trans male character has a girlfriend and is post-op, they can engage in normal penetrational s€x
- if the person is extremely dysphoric, they might ask their partner not to refer to their female associated body parts with their names etc

- read what I wrote about FTM please I will not repeat what I've already said about trans people in general
- also look up how estrogens affect the body of an amab person
- if the trans femme person has a boyfriend and is pre-op, the gay chapter is for you
- if the trans femme person has a boyfriend and is post-op, they can engage in normal penetration s€x
- if the trans femme person has a girlfriend and is pre-op they can engage in normal penetration s€x if they are comfortable with it
- if the trans femme person has a girlfriend and is post-op, the lesbian chapter is for you

- There are many different types of intersex people
- not all intersex people have both gen!tals
- do proper research on the topic before writing about it
- think of wether your person is mostly femme or masc presenting or if they have an overall androgynous look
- do they use multiple pronouns?
- Are they comfortable with normal penetration s€x?
- go deeper into their character than just gen!tals, I beg you
- if you only make them intersex for the s€xual appeal of someone having different genitals, it's a fetish - don't fetishize intersexuality!

Asexual smut
- believe it or not, asexual people can have s€x
- not all asexual people are repulsed by s€x/intimacy (thought some definitely are)
- an asexual individual may only be comfortable with certain aspects of s€x, and feel repulsed by others
- an asexual individual who does not want s€x can still mãsturbate
- an asexual individual can want sex despite not feeling s€xual attraction
- do some research on the asexual spectrum and the different types there are (greysexual, demisexual, aegosexual, etc.)
- some asexuals may enjoy s€xual things, but not want to engage etc
- get creative, read up on it, or ask asexual people you know
- ace people are cool and deserve to be represented as part of the lgbtqai community the same as other queer people!

Aromantic smut
- Though some aro people are also asexual, this is not the default
- a person can decide to want s€x but not a romantic relationship
- aro people can have the same s€xual attraction and relationships as any other person
- aro people just don't fall in love they can still be in a way (aesthetically/s€xually/platonically) attracted to people
- aro people are cool and deserve to be represented as part of the lgbtqai community the same as other queer people!

I hope that this chapter is helpful, feel free to ask questions or make annotations on any of these topics!
Don't forget to vote, and see ya next time

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