Chapter : 23 {Death?}

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Y/n's POV :

It was just another day at the ship, I was at the downstairs room where no one can come, Marco and Ace were in front of me playing a stupid game which I don't understand

All of a sudden Marco cheered hard and half danced while jumping around the room

"MANNNN I WAS SO SURE I WAS GONNAA WINNNN" cried Aoto, he seems seriously hurt

"Aahahha your going to get groceries next! I can just stay at ship~~~ alone with Y/n~~~" Laughed Marco teasing Aoto

Well everyone knows Aoto gets real Pissed with jokes like this

Ohhh that's gotta hurt

I layed in my bed while stretching a bit, well sad for Aoto

"Huh? AOTO?" I Heard Marco Panic as I turned towards back them

Huh? Aoto's Fluffy White hairs were... Glowing? I don't know how to explain this but..... His hairs were turning black and then coming back to White

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted


At night we were in front of Baba

"Aoto... This Just confirms our Suspiciousness"

.... Aoto is... The last survivor of the Ancient race which can control animals

Even after this revelation, we were with Aoto, we didn't cared who he was, he is My Aoto and That's enough for me


Soon we stopped in an island, I planned on going with Aoto and Marco like always

We walked around town, buying the things we needed

"Seems like we have to go get more money" Said Marco

"Yeah... I already spend all of mine too, and I still have so much to buy!" I exclaimed as Marco Flew to the ship to go bring some money


"He is taking too long again" I said as I turned towards Aoto who was grinning

"Let's just leave him and go on a date, it's been so long anyways" He said as he grabbed my hand

Aha I like the idea

"Sure!" We walked through town as we saw people preparing things

They were rather decorating the town

"Is someone coming?" I asked

"Yes, one of the admirals are coming! He was a savior of our Town longg ago!!! So most of the people worship him here!" The woman said

.... Oh?

"Aoto maybe we should go--" As I turned towards him........ An admiral wearing a cap was already standing behind him

"AOTO-" I tried to protect him however the admiral was faster and I was weaker than I am now

He grabbed Aoto and soon everything went blank


I opened my eyes just to meet with Aoto who was also tied with sea stone in a ship

Maybe the navy ship?
I am a devil fruit user however... Aoto isn't

Maybe they thought he is also a devil fruit user

I looked at Aoto who was unconscious right now

"Aoto! Aoto!!!" I called but no response

..... What to do now?

I am worried



Hours passed and soon

Aoto called onto me

"Y/n! Are you okay?" He asked worried

.. "Did you just wake up? Yeah I am okay"

"What happened??"

"We are at the navy's ship, I don't know anything else!"

"They are using sea stone, you can easily break them!" I said as he did what I told him to

He broke the chains of his and told me to wait here

"You should help me to!" I said as he turned around

"Ah yeah come here--" As he said this he saw a guy appearing behind me from pure air

It was like a door

The guy came and spoke

"Saving your lover eh? How cute" The guy talked

"Who are you?" Asked Aoto not wasting one moment

"Part of CP 0, Blueno" He introduced himself

"What do you want from us?"

"Aha don't make me laugh, you guys are literal pirates!" That guy smirked

"But as far as I knew you guys piss yourself when it comes to whitebeard" Remarked Aoto as he smirked back, pissing off the other party

"SHUT THE FUCK UP--" Before that guy could do anything, Aoto attcked him

However... It was of no use

They are experienced Marines

And we are still kids

The man got up from the floor quickly

"You bastard--" Suddenly the same caped marine entered the room

"So he is awake" He said

So they kidnapped us for Aoto huh?

"and you are?"

"Admiral Akainu"

"Aha, did the higher ups gave you permission to touch us? You do know this means war right? You got balls" Said Aoto dissing the man

It was true, the higher ups sometimes overlooks the whitebeard pirates because they know what is about to come for them if they do anything

There were even times the Whitebeard pirates loot their bases and raided them just for fun, however, the navy's couldn't even fight back because the Higher ups were so afraid to anger baba

...... On simple terms.. They protect us in fear of my baba

"It's true I don't have permission" Said the man with a smirk

"But it is also true that you are a threat to mankind" Said the man

"I am?" Aoto asked quite confused

"And I also know you can just fly away and escape from this ship in the middle of the ocean, considering you are part of THAT race" Said akainu and Aoto just went along with it

"I will spare your life if you
Let us go. Right now. Unharmed"
Aoto said, he was definitely pissed

And again... His hair kept changing from White to Black

"Aha that's not possible"

? Both me and Aoto got an confused expression on our faces

"I am planning on killing the both of you, right here, and now"

*Chapter Ends!! Byee :3!!*

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