Chapter : 13 {A Date}

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Y/n's POV :

"The island we are going to next, is a very dangerous one, it has very tight security" Said Marco

"Hmmm, maybe only thr commanders should go to get groceries then? The younger ones may lose in fights if they get caught" I asked Marco

"But should we not send the ones who are less known to avoid fighting?" Asked Marso confused

"You think they won't check each person and their identity if they suspect anyone?" I asked as I sighed

.... "True"


Soon Me and Marco went down the ship now telling anyone, we two are enough for this right

There is a vice admiral in this island as far as I know

"So first vegetable groceries, then some cloth shopping for myself..... Ok no let me go buy my clothes, you can go buy your groceries" I instructed to Marco as I waved my hand and flew away

"WAITTTTTT!!" I saw him scream from the ground lololol

I flew down in front of some restaurants and smirked

Now no one can botherr m--

There I saw....... Ace........ Sleeping while eating at a restaurant.........

I ran to him and smacked him in his head


"Hu- huh Y/n!!" He shouted back

I made a shush sign with my hand and he got quite

"Now explain" I said

".... I wanted to see where you and Marco are going alone... I saw you guys get down from the ship together" He said in a sad tone

... He is so cute, makes me want to forgive him... To bad his punishment is already coming

"And then why are you here?" I asked him

"You flew away as I followed you both so I had no way other then search for You in the direction you went to" Said Ace which almost make me want to cry.... So pure

*Ahem* I coughed

"And then you got distracted by this restaurant?" I asked calmly

"Bingo!" He said with a big grin

Why is he so proud

"Well I guess I will also take a bite" Saying that, I sat besides him

"Have anything you like! I ordered the full menu" He cheered at me


For a moment I thought he was being romantic

"Btw what did you come to buy?" Asked Ace ad he ate more

"Some clothes" I answered as I took a sip of the orange juice while was already half eaten

"Oh buy why-" Before he could finish his sentence he falled asleep again

I sighed


"BYEE BYEE!! I WILL COME BY AGAIN!!" Ace waved the restaurant owner goodbye

"Now where are we going?" He asked me casually like it's a date or him being here is so normal

"The clothing store"

He grinned big again

"Only 𝗜 am going" I made it clear

"But whyyyyyyyy" He pouted like a kid

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