Chapter : 22 {Ancient Race}

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*3 years ago*

Y/n's POV :

"Aoto when I grow up and take over this crew, we will get married okay?" I asked as he grinned big

"Is that even need to be said?" Asked Aoto as he kissed my forehead, feels weird to think that he was inside me just some moments ago

"Aoto when I get permission to show myself to the world again, I will tell them proudly that I am Baba's daughter"

" Mhmm" He said as he almost fell asleep

"And I will tell them how we are dating"


"And I will tell them about Marco's hair being shaped like a pineapple which no one notices"

"Ahah I think everyone noticed that"

"You only care to reply when the convo is about something weird huh" I hit him hard as I said it

Right now we were at Aoto's room

Everyone was out to explore the new island

Aoto, me and Izo stayed back in the ship

Izo was somewhere I don't know while me and Aoto cuddled

"Aoto I heard the government is looking for a race which looks like you" I said as the White haired Boy grinned

"I am strong y/n, even if that guy is me, no way in hell can they catch me"
He hugged me tight as he said all this

Now that I think back about it, i had very little knowledge about the world for not talking with people outside

"Aoto if you ever get caught, what will I do?" I asked

"Nothing, wait for me, I will come back surely"

"And if you don't?"

"Die without getting married"

Days passed, months too

We stopped in an island named dressrosa

It wasn't for any job or anything, I begged baba that I want to go and roam around a bit

He gave me Marco and Aoto permission to go to dressrosa

That island has many tourists and no one will really keep track of who is who

Even if they see me with Marco and Aoto, they will consider me as one of their one night stands or a Normal girl they are dating

It was easier to roam around freely in that big island

We decided on a 3 day stay at the island

The first two days went smoothly

When it was time to leave, Marco was nowhere to be seen

"Should we just leave without him? He has wings, he can come back himself" I suggested Aoto as I played around with his fluffy white hair, sitting on the small boat we will be returning with

"Ahaa that's rude..... " Joked Aoto


"Y/n....I should go check" Aoto said with an serious expression

"All you have to do is stay inside the boat, can You do that for me?" I nodded yes as his figure vanish for him running back towards the town

.....i looked out of the window

The sky was cloudy.... A storm is coming

The shore was mostly empty, maybe cuz it wasn't the official one, we just parked out boat here because we are pirates

"My my, Look what we have here" Someone said as I felt a little pain in my back, it was an injection which was inside me

I pulled it out however fainted soon enough


I opened my eyes, I was at a...... Castle?

The bed was fluffy

"Awake?" Asked a tall blonde man... He was wearing glasses however I could say his eyes screamed hatred

"... Don Quixote" I muttered, I know him, I saw him more than enough times in the papers

One of the Seven Warlords of the sea,
Don Quixote Doflamingo

"Hahahaha, little girl.... I just ask once, who ARE you?" He asked pissed

.... Just a normal member of the Whitebeard Pirates? Should I say that?

"Don't bother lying, Black Wolf Aoto and Marco the first division commander was protecting you, you someone important?" He asked

"Just another member of the Whitebeard Pirates--" He placed his finger in my lips, making me shut

"I have all the information about the 1617 members of the Whitebeard pirates.... I am asking for the last time... Who ARE you?" He asked, this time louder, I wasn't tied to anything

Heh, so confident in your powers huh?


"WHITEBEARD'S DAUGHTER" I said as I used my haki to stop him in his tracks

"H-huh?!" He said with true fear in his voice, as I kicked him out of the window

"THERE SHE IS!" I heard Marco scream as Aoto began running towards me

Chiyo came to me flying, Taking me in his back and escaping

Soon we were at the ship, escaping from the island


Words soon got around... However not about me being Whitebeard's daughter, but about chiyo

A black wolf which flys

There was no denying it, the owner of that Wolf, Aoto, is the last remaining survivor of the ancient race who can control animals

For some reason Don Quixote deicided not to tell anyone about me confessing about whose daughter I am but about Whitebeard Pirates having an member of the ancient Race who can control animals

... Fuck him

Soon, some of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates came back to the ship injured

The government doesnt want ro spread the word more and just wants us to hand over Aoto as calmly as possible

....but Aoto was family

"If they want a fight, we will give them a fight" Baba stated, he was angry I could see that

However he was sick too...

Cancer got the best of him at that period of life

..... Tension spread among the crew... Along with misery

However, that was just the beginning..

*Chapter Endss!! Byeee :3!!*

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