Twenty Four - Night Out

Start from the beginning

"It's nice to meet you too. It was a long trip clinging onto the bottom of Thane's ship to get here," I joke but Thane is the one to laugh the hardest.

"I told you, I don't know when she showed up or what her deal is but she follows me everywhere," Thane laughs and wraps an arm around me.

"You two aren't mates?" Theo's father raises an eyebrow.

"Not yet," Thane winks to me and the alpha and beta chuckle.

"Very well. You may go, but please be safe. Morgan will attract many eyes. Thankfully, most lycans know the alphas and betas and you won't find yourselves too much trouble," Alpha Lycus says.

"I've kept her safe across the universe, I can keep her safe against some lycans," Thane assures.

"We'll be sure to be vigilant," Theo reassures his alpha.

"Have a good time. Stay safe." And with that, the alpha and beta walk away with just a nod and a smile, continuing their previous conversation as they walk down the path.

"Are you two ready?" Maddox asks Thane and I.

"Flying never bothered me," I giggle.

"Have you flown with Thane?" Theo raises an eyebrow.

"No," I begin to feel like I should be worried. My suspicion is seemingly confirmed when Theo and Maddox exchange knowing glances.

"I would never put my little human and her little halfling in danger," Thane crosses his arms.

"Thane just tends to fly a bit... rambunctious," Maddox explains.

"I won't do that with you, Little one, I promise," Thane tells me, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I trust you," I tell him with a smile. "Don't make me regret it," I warn with a glare.

"I would never," He reassures me. "Now, would you mind carrying my clothes. My hands will be a bit full," Thane asks.

"Of course. Can you just... bring them to me when you've shifted?" I ask.

"I certainly wouldn't want you peeking," Thane fakes a look of disgust. I chuckled and roll my eyes before shooing him off to strip and shift. Thane and Maddox aren't far behind him.

A few moments later, the first to reemerge from the treelike they went into was Thane. His massive muscular body lumbers out of the forest, his abdominal muscles rippling with his movement. I can see a smirk even with his dragon like face. He makes his way over to me and holds out a clawed hand full of his folded clothing. I take the clothes into my arms and he holds a hand out for me. I take it without another thought and he pulls me in, swooping me into his arms bridal style. A moment later, Maddox and Theo walk out, fully covered in fur and looking like giant, half man half wolf hybrids. With a nod between the three giants, we're off.

Thane flaps his red wings and with a few gusts, we're pushed into the sky. He holds me closely and it reminds me of the times I'd flown with Xenophon. This time, the skin contact doesn't make sparks, but it does have a welcoming warmth and with Thane's gentle touch, it makes me feel almost as comfortable as Xenophon's once had.

As we flew, I wished I could talk to Thane like I used to through the mental connection with Xenophon. It made flying a lot more inviting when I could talk to him too. The ride with Thane was obviously quiet, but he looked down and made sure I was okay and I'd give him a faint smile every time he did. I glance down below once in a while and if there's a part in the trees, you can just barely make out the moving brown figures of the lycans. We fly over mostly trees, but I assume it's because the lycans thrive amongst the forest. It was also by far the furthest I've ever flown, even with Xenophon.

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