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I typed away quickly on the computer. Henry and I were trying to find a job for Ruby who was actually Red Riding Hood. She didn't want to work at Granny's which was run by her grandmother. She wanted a different job.

So Henry and I were checking on the computers for job openings. We were at the sheriff station and Ruby was sitting next to us. The phone kept ringing but we chose to ignore it.

"Want to be a bike messenger?" I asked Ruby. "Bike messenger?" Ruby asked confused. "That's about taking things to people in a little basket," Henry said. We thought this one would be perfect considering that she was Red Riding Hood.

"Nope. Yeah, see, I'm not so great at bike riding," Ruby told us. "How about taking things on foot, to people, in a little basket?" I suggested. "I'm not so sure that's a real job," Ruby said.

The phone continued to ring and I was starting to get annoyed. "Why do the phones keep doing that?" Ruby asked. "Oh, the non-emergency calls go to a machine when Emma's busy," Henry answered.

The phone rang again and Ruby answered it. "Sheriff's station. How can I help you? Mmhmm. I'll get her to return. Thank you, too," Ruby said. She ended the call and the phone rang again.

She answered it and said, "Sheriff's station. Hey, Miss Ginger. Uh, no, that's not a prowler. That's Archie's dog - Pongo. Throw him a vanilla wafer. He'll quiet down. Did you still want to talk to Emma? Great. Glad I could help."

Suddenly I heard Emma's voice and I turned around. "How's it going?" Emma asked. "Great. Except I can't do anything," Ruby told her. "I'm sure that's not true. I just saw you on the phone. That was good," Emma said.

"That? That's nothing," Ruby said. "No. No, it isn't. I actually have some money in the budget if you want to help out around here," Emma suggested.

"Yes! Thank you! Yes. Um, I could answer phones and help out. Um, is there anything else you need done? Organize files, cleaning up? Please - I want to be useful," Ruby said.

"I'm swamped with the Kathryn Nolan thing. If you maybe want to grab us lunch, I would never say no to a grilled cheese," Emma said. "Done. You two want anything?" Ruby asked us.

"Um four chocolate chip cookies," I started. "Two slices of apple pie," Henry added. "And two hot dogs," we chimed.

"They ate at school," Emma stated. Ruby nodded and started to leave when Ms. Blanchard walked in.

"Hey! Lunch, Mart Margaret? I'm getting for everyone," Ruby smiled. "Uh, no. I'm not hungry," Ms. Blanchard told her. Ruby nodded and left.

Ms. Blanchard turned to Emma. "David's in the woods. There's something wrong with him. He looked right through me. It's like... It's like he was a different person," Ms.
Blanchard said.

Henry and I looked at each other. A different person? Ms. Blanchard left to go check on David.

I sighed and Henry grabbed out the book.

"Okay, kids. Don't mean to kick you out, but I've got to go see if David's in some kind of trouble out there," Emma told us. "It's okay. We're supposed to go meet our mom," I said.

Henry took the book and stuck it in one of the desk drawers and then locked it. "There," Henry sighed. "Nice," Emma said.

"You know, you can let Ruby do more," Henry said. "She's Little Red Riding Hood," I stated. "With the little basket? Yeah, she seems like a badass," Emma told us.

"She is. She just doesn't remember how cool she is or what's she's capable of. But it's true," I said. Henry and I started to walk out when Ruby walked in with food.

"Hey, Ruby," we said. "Hey, Henry and Ava," Ruby said. We then left and walked to meet our mom.

When we reached her office she wasn't there. Weird? We walked home and later when mom had gotten gown, we heard her talking on the phone.

"What did they find?" Mom asked. She paused and waited for an answer. "A heart?" Mom asked. She paused again. A smirk appeared on her face. "And the only fingerprints all over it were Mary Margaret's?" Mom asked.

I turned to Henry shocked. What had our mom done?


This was for the fifteenth episode! Red handed. So I'm thinking about starting a book that's not Once Upon A Time related. I just wanted to know if you guys would even read it?

It would be about a girl who works at a diner, one day this guy walks in and they get to know each other. Things happen but I don't want to give anything away. Comment if you would read it!

Comment, vote, share, follow!
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