Landing on The Chelandion

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Taloh, Vestara, Lucian, Gavar, Rhea, and Taalon were eliminating the guards with ease and are preparing to land aboard The Chelandion.

"We are preparing to land now," Taalon said. "Prepare to storm the ship. We must find and kill Osaka."

"I'll provide cover fire," Lucian said as he deflected more blaster bolts and cut down more guards equipped with vibroaxes.

"We are about to land now," Vestara said.

"Let's give them hell," Taloh said.

As  the ship landed, the Sith stormed out and started killing the Hutt  mercenaries aboard. The mercenaries began to fight back and Lucian  returned fire. Taloh then zig zagged and eliminated several guards in  his path. Vestara then threw her lightsaber instantly killing a few  more.


Osaka  was on the bridge of the warship and was monitoring the activity in the  hangar. He noticed that the Sith were eliminating the soldiers with  ease.

"Report," Osaka said in huttese angrily.

"The Sith are eliminating our forces rapidly," One guard said. "One of them has First Order armor. Wait it's Lord Matarrin!"

Osaka  gave a shocked expression. He then gestured to his top general and sent  IG-86 assassin droids, three Haxion Brood bounty droids, mercenaries,  and guards armed with the lightsaber proof vibroaxes.

"Eliminate  the Sith aboard," he said in huttese with a snarl. "Especially the  Khai's and Matarrin. I will not allow the Sith and the First Order from  thwarting my plans."

The  assassin droids were activated and started to engage the Sith. Vestara  then force pushed one but the droid immediately stood back up and  started to open fire. She then deflected the shots and started to cut  down the droid with several heavy strikes. Taloh then crushed the second  droid by way of the force and eliminated several guards by zigzagging  and deflecting their shots quickly.

"We're  closing in on the bridge," Lucian said as he shot another guard and  destroyed a Haxion Brood bounty droid with his lightsaber. "However,  there is so much resistance. Taloh, please tell me the First Order is  arriving soon."

"They  are on their way," Taloh replied as he deflected more shots. "The  Supreme Leader has agreed to send a boarding team to reinforce us."

"Lets  hope you're right," Lucian said as more guards arrived with the  vibroaxes along with more  and assassin droids. "Or else things will  just get worse for us."

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