The Sith Destiny

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The Steadfast, Coruscant,

Ren spoke to Taloh and Vestara in his office about their next plan to defeat the Resistance.

"Lord Matarrin, Lady Khai," Ren said as his voice boomed across his office. "Revan demands that the three of us return to Korriban since there is something that he needs to address to us. Though what, I do not know. All I can say is that now that the Resistance has a valuable artifact that they will use against us and we must double our efforts to prevent the Resistance to rally more systems to their cause."

"We understand Supreme Leader," Taloh said. "We will depart immediately."

As the trio landed in front of the Sith Academy, two Sith Acolytes escorted them to the Dark Council Chambers where Revan and the Sith Imperial leaders were waiting for them. The three dark warriors then arrived in the large room and knelt in front of Revan.

"My lord," Ren said. "How may be assist you further?"

"I sense that the granddaughter of Palpatine has obtained a map that directs her to Tython," Revan said. "But that is not why I summoned the three of you. I know her next route and to counter her, we have manufactured the TIE Dagger design that you will use to eliminate resistance forces along with contacting the Chiss Ascendancy to reinforce our fleet alongside you."

"Very well," Ren said. "Our fleet will be too powerful for the Resistance to engage, and of they do we will eliminate them with ease."

"Do not underestimate them," Revan said. "There are more Jedi that are joining the fight including your sister Jaina Solo."

"She chose the wrong side," Ren said. "She like Ben Skywalker and Mara Jade will be gone."

"As for you Prince Taloh Matarrin and Lady Vestara Khai," Revan said. I have managed to resurrect the fallen Monarchs of Zakuul, Valkorion, Arcann, and Vaylin. Taloh, you will speak to them before you engage Rey."

"Yes, my lord," Taloh replied as the glowing red lenses faced Revan.

"Vestara," Revan said. " I will be gifting you a sword that can resist the strikes of a lightsaber since your shikkar was destroyed after a duel with Ahsoka Tano."

"Thank you lord Revan," Vestara replied as Revan gestured to Malgus as he was carrying her sword.

Vestara then took the sword and unsheathed it in awe as she started to twirl it feeling confident that she could slay more Jedi than she ever has in her life.

"The three of you are ready," Malgus said. "Do not disappoint Lord Revan."

As Ren and Vestara proceeded towards the meditation chambers, Taloh proceeded to his fighter to board a Zakuulan ship hovering above the Sith and Chiss fleet. He then proceeded to the bridge where Vaylin and Valkorion were waiting for him.

"So the Dragon of Zakuul has returned," Valkorion said as he and Vaylin turned to Taloh. "You have played a pivotal role in preserving our legacy."

"Yes, I sense great courage in you," Vaylin said. "With you assisting us, Zakuul and the rest of the galaxy will flourish with the combined strength of the First Order, the Sith Empire, the Chiss Ascendancy, the Lost Tribe, and the Knights of Ren."

"Thank you," Taloh said. "We can finally cleanse the galaxy of the hated Jedi and have their deaths be the final words in the story of rebellion."

"Make sure of it," Valkorion said. "Our future depends upon your success."

"I will not fail," Taloh replied as he bowed to the two monarchs.

He then exited the bridge and proceeded to his fighter where he and Vestara landed aboard the Knight  while Ren landed aboard the Steadfast. Taloh then returned to his quarters and remebered what Valkorion and Vaylin had told him and hoped that he could put and end to the hated Jedi after years of suffering.  Vestara then entered his quarters and approached Taloh.

"We have come a long way," Taloh said as he turned to face Vestara. "I thought I was done after the fall of the Empire, but when former Supreme Leader Snoke found me, a man who was preserved in a bacta tank for over two decades, I knew there was still a chance to change the Galaxy. My rare ability also told me that I was meant for something, something that will ensure that the Sith succeed and that I was meant to find you."

"I thought this moment would have never happened either," Vestara said as she looked at her new sword. "I thought that I would be unworthy to lead my people, and here I am, now a member of the First Order Triumvirate and High Lady of the Circle of Lords. Now we can rule for eternity since we have the same powers."

"Indeed," Taloh said. "We are after all, the two heirs."

As they shared a brief kiss, they walked out of Taloh's quarters and Lucian approached them since he had news to share with Taloh.

"My lord," Lucian said. "My father has contacted me from Kesh and he would like to speak with you."

"Thank you," Taloh said. "I look forward to seeing him after all this time."

Lucian then exited and Taloh went to his fighter to see Sarr. He then started to reminisce the time when Sarr decided to retire and raise a family after the fall of the Empire and the reconquest of Mandalore from Moff Gideon. Sarr then greeted Taloh, as he wore the same armor that he had prior to his retirement and his wife who was wearing Sith robes.

"After all these years, I wondered when I would see you again Vod," Taloh said with a forearm shake. "I thought you were done fighting."

"Who said I was done fighting?" Sarr asked with a chuckle. "I retired because I felt that it was impossible for the Empire to thrive and our control over Mandalore crumbled. But once I heard that Hosnian Prime was destroyed and the New Republic along with it, that is when I knew that there is still a chance to succeed and restore Imperial rule. Then you came to Kesh and it motivated me further to continue the fight."

"Lucian is an excellent warrior," Taloh said. "One of the few Mandalorians to train as a Sith."

"Indeed," Lucian said. "He is very strong in the force just like you. I'm very proud of my son and of you."

"Thank you," Taloh said. "Together we will destroy the Resistance and the Jedi Order."

"Of course," Sarr said. "In fact there are more Mandalorians that are willing to fight for you that have been exiled on Concordia. Some are even members of my clan and continuing the legacy of Clan Saxon. Clan Quell and Clan Saxon are with you Vod."

Taloh then stoped outside with Sarr and saw a large legion of Mandalorian warriors and they clapped their gauntlets together to greet Taloh. He felt that with their forces combined with Shae Vizsla's army, the First Order and the Sith Empire would be invincible and he, Ren, and Vestara could finally restore order back to the Galaxy. He then stood in from of them and started to sing the infamous Vode An once again.

Star Wars: The Shadow of RevanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora