The Duel of the Fates

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Dark Council Chamber, Sith Academy,

Rey was watching and gave a small smile as the Old Republic reinforcements began to engage the Sith and First Order Forces. She then sensed Ahsoka and Ezra's presence through the force and she stood up and faced Revan.

"It's over for you Revan," Rey said. "I told you that we would stand a chance. Now its time to put an end to Sith and First Order tyranny." 

"Foolish child," Revan said taunting her. "No one can infiltrate the Sith Academy and you are no match for any of us."

"You're wrong," Rey said. "About everything. My friends are already here and it is here in this throne room where the Sith and the Knights of Ren fall."

As Revan looked behind Rey, two more lightsabers ignited with two white blades, one blue blade, one green blade and later on several more ranging from blue, green, purple, white, and yellow behind them. Rey immediately recognised the leaders to be Ahsoka, Gungi, and Ezra with many more Jedi to engage the Sith Lords, Acolytes, Juggernauts, Inquisitors, and warriors as Rey, Ahsoka, and Ezra focused on Revan, Ren, and Taloh while Gungi led the Jedi strike team to atttack the Dark Council members.

"So you have resurrected the Jedi of Old," Revan said as Ren and Taloh ignited their lightsabers. "I sense that Bastila Shan is commanding the fleet. But she made a big mistake because this is where you all fail."

Rey then engaged Ren and Ezra engaged Taloh while Ahsoka engaged the other Dark Council members.

"It's too late for you Rey," Ren said. "Surrender now before it's too late."

"Never," Rey said. "There's still hope to return to the light. Come home with us and we can end this war!"

"Why should I fight with terrorists that know they can't win?" Ren asked as they locked blades. "Plus I will rule the galaxy as the new Galactic Emperor. Your future however remains futile."

As Rey jumped over Ren, she then challenged Revan to a duel to which the latter then stood up slowly as Ren began to engage Ahsoka and Taloh continued to fight Ezra.

"Revan!!" Rey shouted. "It's time to end your hated crusade against us and the galaxy! I challenge you to a duel to the death. A duel of the fates!!"

Revan then agreed to Rey's terms and picked up both lightsabers that were holstered on his belt. He then ignited them which revealed one purple blade and one red blade to which Rey ignited the Skywalker lightsaber and Leia's lightsaber as the two force wielders were ready for their final fight to determine the fate of the galaxy. After a brief standoff, Rey began to charge at Revan this commencing the duel.

Rey launched several heavy strikes on Revan to which the latter easily blocked her attacks and launched a powerful spinning attack. Rey then dodged the strikes and continued to attack again to which Revan parried and starters to strike back at Rey.

"You are a disgrace to your bloodline," Revan said as he and Rey locked blades. "You incompetent and weak."

"No," Rey said. "I continue to grow more powerful as each day passes. You'll never succeed."

"You fool," Revan said as they severed their lock. "There is no future for you and your Resistance. I will complete the work I have started so long ago once I am finished with you."

They then launched several more aggressive attacks to which Rey cannot break through Revan's defense as he was able to easily stagger Rey thus causing her to retreat and block his attacks. Revan then noticed that the Jedi strike team were undergoing major casualties as he knew that the Jedi leaders were present in their capital ships. As the last of the Jedi strike teams fell to the Sith, the Dark Council Members began to watch the duel alongside Ren, Taloh, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Gungi as the Jedi began to make for the exit to retreat from Revan knowing that they are overwhelmed.

"Rey, let's go now!!" Ezra said. "We have to retreat, Revan is overwhelming and has decimated the reinforcements."

"I can't go," Rey said. "I need to finish this fight here and now! It's been an honor to train and fight with you all."

"We won't leave you!" Ahsoka shouted as Gungi gave a sad roar.

"No," Rey said as she struggled to defend against Revan. "It's time for you to lead the Resistance. You must go, you must survive to ensure a victory. The force will be with you always."

Understanding the importance of sacrifice, Ahsoka nodded and gestured to Ezra and Gungi causing Rey to fight Revan alone with Ren, Taloh, and the Dark Council watching the ensuing fight.

"You definitely have the heart of a noble Jedi," Revan said. "How unfortunate, you would have been an excellent Sith apprentice."

Enraged, Rey then charged at Revan as the two launched more vicious attacks as Revan continued to block and then jumped over Rey. As he landed, he then attacked and with four strikes, he staggered Rey knocking out Leia's lightsaber from her hand and then struck again causing her to try to block with the Skywalker lightsaber.

With ease, Revan then continued to dual wield his lightsabers and slashed Rey's arm causing her to drop the lightsaber and finished Rey off with a single stab to her chest with his red lightsaber causing her to gasp and collapse to her knees and then fell back as she exhaled her last breath as she lied on the ground dead in seconds.

"This is your fate for choosing to resist," Revan said deactivating his lightsabers. "Now let us proceed to the next phase in our crusade."

As Revan and the Dark Council exited the chamber, Ren stared at Rey's corpse as the red streaks of his helmet stood out in the chamber and then collected the Skywalker lightsaber and Leia's lightsaber as he and Taloh proceeded back to the Steadfast and the Knight to prepare to jump into hyperspace to lead the Sith fleet and finish what Vader started years ago.

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