The Two Heirs

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The Steadfast, Coruscant,

Ren was discussing Taloh's status with the Supreme Council and their plans once he makes contact with the Lost Tribe. General Hux continues to remain irritated at the fact that Ren and Taloh are focusing on Sith and not the Resistance.

"We have received a report that Lord Matarrin has found the Kesh system," Ren said. "And he is currently in the process of finding the hidden allies. However, he is experiencing complications since the Hutt Cartel has a presence on the planet. Now to your personal reports."

"Recruitment efforts and capital ship production are going in our favor," General Pryde said. "But it is still not enough to counter the Resistance."

"Hasten production," Ren said. "There must not be more organized Resistance cells across the outer rim."

"Yes Supreme Leader," Pryde replied.

"Once the locals have pledged their allegiance to the First Order, we will send reinforcements to engage the Hutts," Ren said.

Tahv City, Kesh,

It was getting later in the day and Taloh was looking for the Sith apprentice that Ship spoke of. He saw Sith children playfully running and teen Sith are practicing with their Lightsabers set in training mode. He then saw two Sith with one being a Keshiri and the other a human male approach him.

"Welcome traveler," the Keshiri Sith said. "Lucian told me that you are on a mission."

"I was sent to find you here," Taloh said. "By the Sith Meditation Sphere, Ship."

"So you are the second Sith," the Keshiri said. "We wondered when you would arrive. I am High Lord Sarasu Taalon and this is my apprentice, Gavar Khai."

"I was told by Lucian to find you," Taloh said to Gavar as he glanced to Taalon. "Do you know of the apprentice that Ship spoke to me about."

"Indeed," Gavar said. "We will discuss this matter later. For now, you need some rest and shelter. My daughter will escort you to the Khai Estate."

"Thank you," Taloh replied bowing to the two Sith.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and eyes, with a spiked tattoo on her forehead above her left eye and two more tattoos below both eyes appeared Taloh and bowed in front of him.

"Follow me," Vestara Khai said as Gavar and Taalon left.

As they arrived at the Khai Estate, Taloh saw a pristine black and sliver room, somewhat similar to his quarters aboard The Knight. Vestara then placed black Sith Robes on the bed.

"I brought you some Sith Robes," Vestara said with a smile. "When we are not in combat, we always wear the robes. The name is Vestara Khai."

"Taloh Matarrin," he replied. "So when will I see your father? I have some business to discuss with him?"

"He will speak with you at the Circle of Lords Chamber," Vestara replied. "But for now, you should get your robes on."

"Thank you," Taloh said. "Do you also have a place for me to park my ship?"

"We do have a hangar," Vestara replied. "Park your fighter next to my modified X-70B Phantom. I'll see you at the Chamber soon."

Taloh then nodded and waited until Vestara left the room. He then contacted S1 to park his fighter and then removed his helmet slowly since no one has seen his face since Rex was aboard Taloh's Star Destroyer during the Imperial Era.


Circle of Lords Chamber,

In the evening, Taloh slowly walks into the chamber and saw a large room with a large round table. He then saw Gavar, Lucian, Taalon, and Vestara sitting in the chairs along with many other Sith. As he sat next to Gavar, Vestara then gave a small smile at Taloh and noticed the faded slash on his face.

"Welcome Lord Matarrin," Grand Lord Darish Vol said. "I sense that you are very surprised to know of our existence. Why is that?"

"I believed that there can only be two Sith?" Taloh replied. "A master and an apprentice, but I was unaware that there are more factions of Sith present throughout the Galaxy."

"You serve the Order of Sith Lords then," Vol said. "You are used to the Rule of Two. However we along with you are not the only factions of Sith. There is the One Sith, The Sith Empire, and the Brotherhood of Darkness. Now what brings you here to Kesh?"

"I was sent by the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship," Taloh replied as the council was whispering to each other. "The First Order needs support in our struggle against the Resistance and against the Jedi."

"So it is you," Vestara said. "You are the second Sith that Ship spoke of."

"Now that you mention it," Taloh said. "Ship told me about a Sith Apprentice whom shares the same force abilities as me."

"You are referring to me," Vestara said. "I sense you have the ability to reverse your aging and many other abilities similar to mine."

"That is correct," Taloh said. "That is not all. The Supreme Leader also would like to offer you a seat in the Senate and to have some members of the Circle of Lords serve as my personal bodyguards."

"Very well," Vol said. "We will join the First Order, however there is a situation that we are still facing."

"The Hutt Cartel I assume," Taloh said remembering when he landed.

"Indeed," Gavar said. "The Cartel started invading last week when we were searching for a Jedi here on Kesh."

"Jedi you say?" Taloh asked in a shocked expression. "Which Jedi did you encounter?"

"The name was Marn Sheern," Taalon said. "Vestara defeated him and now we are struggling to defeat the Hutt Cartel."

"I can help," Taloh said. "But I must know what we are up against."

"We will brief you tomorrow," Gavar said. "For now I suggest you get some rest."

Taloh then nodded and the council members stood up and walked out of the chamber. He then proceeded to the Khai Estate and arrived at his room. Taloh then heard a knock on his door and saw Vestara.

"Vestara," Taloh said as the door slid open. "Is there something that I can do for you?"

"No," Vestara replied. "I just wanted to know why Ship chose you and if our powers symbolize that we are the two heirs that he has prophesied."

"He chose me since I was troubled following the Battle of Endor," Taloh said. "The Galactic Empire was on the brink of collapse and that is when I found out about my abilities. Since then he has been guiding me on how to master my abilities and tasked me to find Kesh, and to find you."

"I was destined to play a pivotal role in Kesh's history," Vestara said sitting next to Taloh. "I was overwhelmed and not to mention the duel with Sheern and the Hutt invasion was putting more stress on me. Then Ship came and started to guide me. Eventually, I defeated Sheern and Kesh is more safe but tomorrow, it will be even more safe with you and the First Order helping me."

"I should get some rest," Taloh said. "For tomorrow will be busy."

Vestara then nodded and stood up to leave with a smile. Taloh then reflected in the clone wars since Vestara reminded him of Ahsoka. He hoped that the mission proved successful and what could happen between him and Vestara moving forward.

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