Plan Gone Awry

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Rey, Ezra, and Chopper continued their search for the Sith Holocron that they believed was in the wreckage. As they pressed further into the wreckage, the trio found the remnants of Taloh's vault where he kept his artifacts. As they began to search the vault, Rey was startled to hear the ignition of Kylo Ren's lightsaber as S1 revealed their location.

"It's over," Rey said. "We have found the Holocron and we are one step closer to stopping Revan."

"No," Ren said in a confident tone. "You are actually where I want you to be."

As Rey ignited her lightsaber, she tried to launch several attacks against Ren who blocked her strikes and then launched more heavy strikes.

"Chopper, go warn Hera that Ren is here," Ezra said.

Chopper then flew through the wreckage to return to the Ghost. As Rey was fighting Ren, Ezra ignited his lightsaber and tried to engage Ren but was stopped as Taloh ignited Vader's lightsaber and started to fight Ezra.

"What could you wish to gain by siding with Revan?" Rey asked as they locked blades. "Revan is extremely powerful, more powerful than you! But we can stop him together."

"Revan is giving me more than I could ever imagine," Ren replied as they severed their lock. "To finish what my grandfather started and become the next Galactic Emperor. You on the other will join me or perish!"

Rey was horrified to see that now Vestara had ignited her lightsaber and she and Ren launched several heavy strikes against Rey who fled outside of the vault alongside Ezra. As they tried to reach the surface of the wreckage, Lucian, Gavar, and Taalon converged on Rey and Ezra to which the two Jedi continued to flee and try to defend themselves against their heavy attacks.

As they neared the surface, Lucian fired a wrist rocket which knocked Rey down and separated her and Ezra. As she tried to get back up, Rey also ignited Leia's lightsaber but was quickly defeated by Taloh who launched a heavy combination of strikes which caused Rey to drop both lightsabers and Taloh held her in a force choke while Lucian collected her lightsabers.

"As I said before," Ren said. "You will never succeed and now, you will serve alongside me. Bring her aboard the Steadfast."

As the Sith escorted Rey to the Steadfast, Ezra returned to Ahsoka and Chopper approached him as the Steadfast and the Knight jumped into hyperspace.

"Ahsoka, Hera," Ezra said. "Ren captured Rey. We were overwhelmed, Taloh, Vestara, and the Lost Tribe ambushed us and they may be taking her to Korriban. Now we have no way to find Korriban."

"We need to get back to base immediately," Ahsoka said. "It's time to rally our allies to prepare to defend Ajan Kloss if Ren finds out the location of our base."

"Very well," Ezra said. "Hopefully we can find a solution or else the Galaxy could be in the verge of a new age of Imperial rule."

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