SIDE CH: Thoughts of a Hurting Kid

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I know Bluey didn't mean to hurt me, but yesterday she said something to me that hit me. "I couldn't protect my sister..." I know she didn't mean it fully, but it made me think when I was alone in that room. I don't know, I guess I just miss the life I used to have, even if this life is amazing with Bluey and Bingo by my side.

I understand that they love me, and family squabbles will happen, I just wish it didn't have to be so bad for our first.

Bingo is still cuddling me as of now, she is so adorable. I love my little sisters. They've shown me love like no one else has, and frankly, I wouldn't change it for the world.

However, all this doesn't mean I don't miss what I used to have, mom, dad, if you're watching over me, I ask that you keep my little sisters as safe as you can while I'm not around. I love these two like they're my blood, and I want them to be safe.

I returned from my train of thought at the sound of whimpering, it was Bingo, she was having another bad dream. I pulled her close and kissed her forehead to calm the little heeler down, letting her know of my presence letting her mind ease into peace. I cuddled my little sister, protecting her from her bad dreams, falling back asleep for the night.

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