A Siblings Love Knows No Bounds

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I went to school the next day sad, as I had to leave home and be away from Nick.

"Hey Bingo! Oh, you okay?" Lil had found me after Dad dropped me off. I was still bummed about today.

"I miss my brother." I told her, "I want him to be right next to me!" I said, Lila stayed with me as I sat and cried.

Lila wrapped her arms around me, my body felt cold, unhealthy, and limited without my brother.

"Bingo, you feel cold... Are you sick?" Lila asked, "No... I don't think so." I told her.

Lila went and grabbed Mrs retriever from the room, she came out and felt my forehead.

"You don't feel warm Bingo, in fact you feel cold. Do you feel shivery at all?" She asked me. "Y-yeah, a bit I guess." I answered, now realizing my body was shivering. I thought it was just because I'd been crying...

The two put me in front of a heater, and Lila stayed next to me while laying a blanket down on the floor.

"Bingo, lay on it." She told me, I did as requested.

"Bingo Burrito!" Lila yelled as she rolled me in the blanket, we both giggled at the moment, but I still felt a bit cold.

With no way for me to move, Lila rolled me towards the heater again, keeping me warm.

I broke free from my tortilla, having my arms now out of the blanket as it feels down around me. I put it back on my shoulders to stay warm, and Lila and I played some games.

After about a while, I started to feel better, and I didn't worry so much about Nick now. Although I miss him, it's important to focus on the present.

"Bingo, your turn red!" Lila said to me, I hadn't noticed she'd been taking to me this entire time.

"Sorry white" I responded, also moving my piece, we were playing monopoly.

"Bingo... Have you been drinking water? You're panting." Lila said, I hadn't been, but I should've. "I'll be fine" I told her, she seemed concerned but played on.

I few minutes later I started to feel dizzy, the heater and blanket upon being sick brought me into overheating... Which caused me to fall back and hit my head, sending Lila into a panic.

"Bingo!? Hey you okay?" She shook me, I didn't respond. She immediately took the blanket off me and turned off the heater.

Lila screamed for Mrs retriever, to which she came running in.

"Bingos Dizzy! And she fell over!" Lila screamed, Mrs retriever took me and placed me in a cooler room, where my body heat lowered significantly.

I arose again tired, and still in the cooler room.

"Morning alread...y?" I said, "Why am I in here?" I asked.

"Bingo... You had a heat stroke, we had to cook you down." Lila said, "Heat stroke!? How?" I said surprised.

"To sum it up, you are a bit sick, you have a cold I would presume, cause you don't seem to be showing signs of any other illness." Mrs retriever told me.

"I do have a runny nose today..." I said, "Precisely Bingo. I think you should be okay now. Cmon" She said.

I followed close behind, still a bit uneasy from the incident. Once my head became clear again, it was time to get ready to go home. Let's just say it wasn't normal for dad to leave me behind.

Then, we heard a honk, it was the family car. Nick was driving!

"Nick! Where's dad?" I asked. "He stayed home today sick, figured I'd lend a hand and come get ya." He told me, "Yay!" I screamed, hoping in and letting Nick strap me in.

A New Heeler!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora