Maybe it's a sign

Start from the beginning

Renee's manager had comped my ticket thankfully as I don't know if I would have been able to go if he hadn't. Things these days are so fucking expensive, getting into the auditorium I situate myself a little further to the back of the early admission area. I didn't really know how this was going to go as I wasn't a big crowds person sometimes. 

 People started filling up the venue pretty fast and after a bit it was shoulder to shoulder. Some girl next to me smiled and we ended up going into a conversation about which Renee song was our favorite. All just to pass time.

I hear a loud cheer start and look towards the stage, fuck she was beautiful. She was in a tight black mesh top and had on beige cargos. The way she controlled the stage when she walked out left me breathless, it reminded me that not even four months ago I had met this beautiful girl in a place exactly like this one. I smile reminiscing as she starts to sing;

You say that I'm your favorite
With your hand between my thighs
Tell me if you were gonna
That I would be the one you tried
So you inch a little closer
Say your boyfriend, he wouldn't mind
You think that I'd be flattered
It's pathetic 'cause you're right
In the p.m., all the pretty girls
They have a couple drinks, all the pretty girls
So now they wanna kiss all the pretty girls
They got to have a taste of a pretty girl
In the a.m., all the pretty girls
Act like it never happenеd in another world
Yeah, it's a blessing and it's a cursе
So keep on pretending, pretty girl
All the pretty girlsThis conversation's classic (classic)
I can predict this shit, line by line
I like a straight jacket
But it feels like it's a little tight
Yeah, your boyfriend's cute (NO HES NOT)
Oh shit, yeah, he can come too (NO HE CANT)
You'll be his in the morning anyway
In the p.m., all the pretty girls
They have a couple drinks, all the pretty girls
So now they wanna kiss all the pretty girls
They got to have a taste of a pretty girl
In the a.m., all the pretty girls
Act like it never happened in another world
Yeah, it's a blessing and it's a curse
So keep on pretending, pretty girl (ah)

After a couple more songs she starts to look around the audience. "Hey berlin! How are we doing tonight?" She asks smiling out into the crowd.

"I see we got some fucking signs tonight. What does that one say?" She points to one that is further in the back "Rapp your legs around my face." the girl screeches towards her "wow that's original" she laughs and continues looking through the signs. I unroll mine and lift it up as high as I could. 

My sign was stupid but that was its purpose, I watched her scan the crowd and notice it. "What the fuck that's one glittery sign. For those of you who can't see it this sign says 'plz hit me with your tour bus.' and it's just covered in red glitter... Someone likes arts and crafts." she states with two thumbs up. "We could do arts and crafts later." I slightly yelled back jokingly pulling the sign down. She notices its me and her facial expression changes softening slightly. A blush becoming apparent on her cheeks and she freezes. 

I smirk up at her and she quickly snaps out of the frozen like state she was in and continues, smiling my way every once and a while during the rest of the concert. 


The concert was over and people were slowly trickling out of the venue. I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out of my pocket. 

Renee Just now

what the fuck

I laugh and open our messages 


what the fuck 

hey baby 

Rooftop Romance // Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now