Continuation of Chapter 4

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Previously in Chapter 4 (Sneak Peak)

" Well- I- " Then, the same melody began playing over us, startling Steven and I. Steven quickly and panicked taking out his phone and pressing the red button on the strange triangle device.  


           I was awed at the pretty sound from Steven's communication device until he turned it off again. I turned towards him, tempted to protest until I saw his expression. I felt bad for forgetting about his feelings and how I easily got distracted by a human thing.

        " Why are you ignoring your human friend? A Connie, right? "  I said, standing beside him, looking at the town below us. My eyes stared as I awe at the beautiful scenery before me. This was Pink's colony? Making something out of nothing? It looks amazing!

             " Because I'm a crystal gem... If I want to protect her, I have to... I- "  Steven began, stuttering at the end. I saw his fist tightened. I frowned, not knowing how human relationships really worked. I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder.   

           " Well... Who says you two don't have to be friends? " I said with a small smile, hoping to comfort him. He looked at me, his eyes watering. I don't think I'm really helping him at this moment... He turned to look at the small colony below us and began singing. I watched him sing his emotions out, my eyes widening. When I saw how distressed he looked when his communication device began playing that same tune again, I knew I should try and shut it down, something to make Steven better.

           Before I could do anything, Steven pressed the red button on the screen, making the song turn off.  He looked back at the city and walked away. Not wanting to leave him alone and also not wanting to get lost on this beautiful planet, I quickly followed him, not leaving his side.   " You okay? You sound... Distressed. "

I said after a moment of silence between us. As he opened his mouth to respond, I heard a feminine voice yelling.


         Before I could turn around, I felt my wrist get grabbed and tugged, forced to hide behind one of the large rocks on the beach, when I realized it was part of the ship we were on. I shivered at the thought of what could have happened to all of us. I opened my mouth to ask why we were hiding but in shock again, Steven placed a finger on my lips, shushing me.

" Shhh! Connie can't find me! " He whispered, his eyes speaking more words than himself. I nodded, not wanting to further upset him. I listen to the interaction between Steven and the Connie, seeing how Steven is growing more and more upset by the second, making me more worried. Will Steven crack from the pressure? Wait, do humans have gems? I didn't realize how much time passed until I was shaken by the shoulder. I looked up and saw a Connie looking down at me. 

        " Oh! You are a gem! "  She said with a gasp. My eyes widened, stars in my eyes as I stared at the Connie in front of me. She looked completely different than Steven! Her hair was more puffy and darker than Steven's, and she wore visors that seemed to have nothing on them.

" You must be the Connie that Steven talked about! " I said, standing up and taking her hands into mine. I felt myself smiling wider as I felt the warmth and softness of her fleshy hands!  " You look completely different than other humans that I see! Are there more Connies around? What do you Connies do on Earth? Do- "

              Before I could continue on with my rapid questions, I felt a pat on my lower body. I stopped and looked down, seeing Steven smiling at me.   " Eheheh- Y/N maybe you shouldn't ask so many questions at once... And to answer one of the questions, yes, some humans sorta look like Connie but are called a different name. "

I looked at him confused, the gears turning in my head.    " Wait, so... Every human has a different name? " 

              A different name for every human? Wouldn't it be easier to have all humans have the same name for their role? That's how it is at homeworld, the Rubies protect the Saphires, and the Peridots do technology stuff, but a Connie isn't even a Connie? I felt myself feel dumber and dumber by the second.

                " I... I don't get it... "

Steven sighed, frowning before giving me a small smile.    "It's okay, you don't know human stuff yet. We should go back to the other gems, they can help. "

" Wait, do you mean the Pearl, Garnet, and the small Amythest? " I asked. I felt uneasiness as I remembered what Yellow and Blue told me about the rebellion. Would they hurt me? Would they shatter me like they did with Pink?

           " Will they hurt me? "  I said nervously, fidgeting with a strand of my hair. Steven looked at me with shock and amusement.          " Hurt you? No! We're the Crystal Gems, we don't hurt nice people. I promise they won't hurt you. "    Steven said, patting my arm to reassure me. I gave him a weak smile, nodding. I let him and the- I let him and Connie lead me towards the house. Every step made me more nervous. As we got to the front door, I felt something wrapped around my body, trapping my arms to my body, and fell over from the sudden tug. 

" Oof! " I fell to the ground, face-planting. I winced as I felt pain on my face.  " Ouch, my noes.... " My voice muffled from the ground. All I saw was the wooden ground, and hearing voices around me.

"Amethyst! Don't hurt her! " I heard a voice yell

" Whhhaattt? You told me she's dangerous. So I'm just gonna poof her and bubble her, bam, problems solve. " Another voice said. Bubble? Poof? What was she-      " Amethyst don't- "
I heard the Garnet speaking, but then I felt a sudden tightness around my body. It felt a bit painful but then all I heard was a POOF and everything went black.

Sorry for the rare updates. I suddenly had the motivation to write a Steven Universe chapter since well, I found out I finally got access back to this account! So I quickly switched the Gmail account to one that I have access to and decided, why not write a story while I'm at it? I've been trying to keep this story similar to the show, but I dunno if I have that much motivation to copy every word to the episodes and action. So... All I'm gonna say is that Ima try my best to make the timeline make sense. I also have an idea for different fanfic that I'm probably gonna write in a few minutes, but hopefully, this chapter is enjoyable since I kinda spaced out and got lazy near the middle or so. 

1173 words

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