Chapter 1

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No One POV

             Many years pass by, Y/N warming into each of Diamond's hearts. Soon, she was properly introduced to gem-kind and was treated with respect as the diamonds themselves. Many gems were hesitant to approach her because of her strange appearance and the unnatural amount of gems. When they realized that Y/N was nice and kind, socially outgoing as Pink Diamond, could become serious as Yellow Diamond, Mysterious as White Diamond, And forgiving and merciful as Blue Diamond.  

           Y/N spent time with each diamond, convincing them to spend time with each other more often, creating fond memories at Blue's bathing area and Yellow's old 'sauna' area as Y/N said. That soon ended when Pink was given her colony to take over, just to get shattered by her quartz soldier. Every gem was in horror and sadness, especially the Diamonds. Blue, becomes emotionally unstable and always has Y/N around, crying and begging for her not to leave them like Pink. Yellow, becoming more strict with gems and with Y/N. Yellow wouldn't let Y/N wander off or explore the homeworld, afraid that she'd get shattered. Yellow would also be strict with any gems getting close to Y/N not trusting them and only rarely being able to even stand near Y/N.

To add to the protectiveness, White built a special harness that would attach itself to Y/N along with a long silk, but strong lead attached to her, preventing her from wandering far if any of the Diamonds held the end of the harness. Still worried about not wanting their only happiness shattered or getting hurt, White demanded to put the best gem guards be put on her at all times unless sent away by the diamonds, that being her guards are two topazes and a Jasper. Of course, they were her main guards. If none of the Diamonds are around Y/N, they'll add more protection to her, giving the harness to Jasper as she was the strongest and trustworthy.  

           This was only the start for Y/N, as she lived her life under 24/7 protection and supervision from either the diamonds themselves or heavily guarded with many different types of gems skilled in specific techniques. Y/N was irritated with it at first, protesting at the new changes but soon got used to it as she was still 'growing' and soon, became childish and carefree. None of the Diamonds protested or hated her sudden change of emotions but in fact, encouraged it as it brought them joy. This soon ended when Yellow dropped Y/N off at the battleship and handed her harness to Jasper. 


I'd watch the exchange between Yellow and Jasper, bored but curious at their interaction. When we approached them, Jasper did a salute, nothing new. My eyes wandered, ignoring their conversation until I saw a Peridot standing next to Jasper, smiling smugly. My curiosity shot through the roof, excitedly that I'd be able to see a different gem other than the Topazs, Jaspers, and Rubies. I was startled when I felt Yellow place me down on the ground gently while handing the end of my harness to the large Jasper. 

         " You better be careful with Y/N. I would take her with me to tour around a new planet that I plan to colonize, but I would rather not have the fiasco happen again. " Yellow said, sternly at Jasper before turning towards me, eyes softening and patting my head, making me smile warmly.    " Alright, moonbeam, be careful and listen to Jasper. Don't get into any trouble, okay?" Yellow said. I nodded, happily as I waved goodbye as she left the warship. I turned to Jasper, realizing how large she was. 

" My Y/N. Thank you for trusting me with your safety." The Jasper said, saluting me as she does with Yellow. I nod, doing a small polite bow.    " Of course! And thank you for looking out for me today!" I said. Jasper just nodded, turning around and walking down the hallway. I followed her, knowing if I stayed still or lagged too long, the harness would just pull me along anyway. I turned to the Peridot, smiling and waving.   

           "Hi! You're a peridot, right? I never saw one up close." I said, smiling. The Peridot looked at me, smiling.           "Of course, my Y/N. It's an honor to be allowed to stand so close to you and also assist your safety on the warship. " Peridot said, while also saluting me. I smiled, happy that I was making so many gems smile today. I sped walk to be able to walk aside the Jasper.

" Sooooo... What are we gonna do today, Jasper? " I said. Jasper looked down at me before looking forward.    " We've captured some traitors from a planet called, Earth. We are hoping to gain some information from them and possibly save them." Jasper said. I did an 'ohh' face, before looking forward again. Getting bored already and wanting to explore the new environment, I looked up at Jasper, putting on my best puppy eyes.

         " Jasper, may I look around the battleship? " I said, pouting my lips. Yes, it was a cheap shot but I knew it would work either way. No one is strong against puppy eyes and lips! Jasper looked at me before furthering her brows and pitching her gem bridge.       " Fine... I'll let the harness looser to let you explore around. It is safe. But I'm going to send two topazes to watch over you just in case. Just don't touch the cells. " Jasper said. 

I smiled and punched in the air in victory. Out of habit, I quickly side-hugged Jasper and skipped down the hall. " Thanks, Jasper!!!" I yelled behind me. I was glad that Jasper kept her promise as I felt the harness line loosen up, allowing me to walk further down the hallways. Then, two topazes seem to pop up out of nowhere, startling me.

             The Topazes saluted me before deeply bowing their head while saluting and saying in unison,  " We're sorry, my Y/N for startling you. You may punish us whatever is worthy for us." The topazes said. I quickly panicked, shaking my head no.         " Of course not! It was just an accident! It's alright! I'm just happy that I get to explore for a bit. " I said, smiling.

"Now, stand up normally, I wanna explore while I have the chance before Yellow takes me away to another boring meeting with some of the courts," I said, smiling while skipping down the hall, looking into each of the cells, becoming a bit bored from the rapidly same cells over and over. While walking, I heard a "Pst!", making me stop mid-walk and turning towards the noise, seeing a human boy, peaking around the corner. Curiosity took over me, before I turned around, seeing my topazes catching up to me. I stood still, walking towards the topazes, smiling.

            I knew if I told the topazes about the human child, they'd take me away from him and vice versa. I knew they wouldn't let me near the child or interact with them in any way. So I quickly thought of a plan to temporarily get rid of them.    " Hey, Topazes! Can we pleaseeee play hide and seek?! " I said, while smiling, clasping my hands together. The topazes blushed and looked away, not used to being begged to do something with their permission. 

" Of course, my Y/N! Do you want us to find you or-" Topazes said before I shook my head no. 

       " I wanna find you two! I'll give you a 10-second headstart! The winner can have a dress-up party with me!" I said, smiling. The topazes, just going along with it and not wanting to disappoint Y/N, started jogging away, going to find a hiding spot to hide. Y/N, watching them disappear when they turn the corner, walked calmly toward where she last saw the human child.

          "Phew! Thank you! I'm glad that I found a gem around here that's nice!" The child said, smiling at Y/N as she crouched down a bit closer to his level.   " I never saw a human child before! This is so exciting! Hi! I'm Y/N!" I said, holding my hand out for him to shake. The human child shook my hand gladly, smiling as wide as I was.

" Of course! And thanks for not telling on me! I'm Steven! Steven Universe! "

The Strange Gem ( Gem!Reader x Steven Universe Various)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin