Ch. 6 Chillin'

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3rd POV
After tying his ship to the dock, the little devil went looking for the blonde lad. Along the way, he encountered the pink haired boy "M/N? What are you doing back?" He asked

"Here to train someone in dual wielding." M/N answered, showing Coby the blades he got.

"Woah. How did you get those?" Coby was curious

"I forgot where I got this one, the other I recently got from a clown." The Pinkette looked at him confused."Long or short version?" M/N asked

"Short." Coby replied

"Luffy ticked him off, so he wanted me to be his servant to pay for what Luffy did. I said no, so now he's pissy, that's the tea." M/N was taken aback himself when he said the second part. Wondering why the hell he even said it.

Coby was equally confused. "What?"

"Ignore it. Anyway I took the blade, he used his Devil Fruit to split himself apart and attack me, I used my tail to use a fishing net to capture each body part, stuff him in a barrel, and dropped kicked it into the sea." M/N Wrapped up... now he's feeling slightly guilty.

Coby looked shocked at the last part before remembering something. "Oh yeah, Luffy actually popped out of a barrel when I met him."

"Doesn't surprise me. He climbed in there before a wave crashed."    M/N Thought back 'Freakin' dumbass'

"Hey M/N, who are you training anyway?"

M/N started to look nervous. "So... you remember that Helmeppo guy?"

"... HUH?!"


Coby's POV
I'm currently on M/N's back while he's flying to the training spot. He wanted to take off where no one was looking, and I asked if I could join. It's honestly really cool, and M/N's wings look so pretty.

I can't help but feel bad for [M/N], though. Not only is he the last of his kind, but also because nothing is known about natural born devils. Only devil we know about is Lucifer... wait.

"... M/N?"


"Does Hell actually exist?"

"Yeah, that's where my ancestors are from." Excuse me, WHAT?! "Don't worry, you're not going to Hell, you're too adorable." Adorable?!

"I-Im not adorable!" I denied, getting flustered

"Yes you are nyehehehe." He chuckled

While looking down, I noticed something. "What is this tattoo supposed to be?" I asked him,

"Hm? Oh that. That's actually the Sigil for Envy, one of the Seven Deadly Sins." He answered

"Is it like a clan kinda thing? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions." I apologized

"Don't worry 'bout it, and kinda, I guess. I've had these Sigil tattoos for a long time. I think back when I was a toddler." A toddler? Why would anyone tattoo a toddler.

"... I'm guessing you have more." I solemnly asked

"Yeah, I got all seven." SEVEN?! "Found out their powers by accident too, oh all the trouble me and the... guys caused." M/N trailed off, looking somber.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." I apologized

"Don't worry bout it. Just... remembering some things." I tried to reassure him by ruffling his hair.

Timeskip brought to you by M/N doing a loopty loop while Coby is hanging on for dear life

"Please don't ever do that again!" I begged while clinging to M/N

Little Devil: One Piece Various x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now