Ch. 3 Goodbye Smokey, Hello Sanji

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"Captain Smoker, we're here!" One of the marine officers yelled out.

"Bout damn time."


"What, too many compliments?" I questioned

"I don't think those are just considered compliments, Mr. M/N" Shigi sweatdropped.

"It's the truth, though."


'Damn, I knew the Baratie was a restaurant, but I didn't think it was this big.' I thought while tying my ship to the dock.

"M/N, why are you wearing a blindfold?" Shigi asked

"I have difficulty with eye contact." I plainly stated.

"You'd think there'd be pirates around here." Smoker said while looking to see any pirate ships. "It neutral ground, so I don't think arresting pirates would be the best idea around here." Smoker reluctantly hummed in agreement.

"I just don't see why they serve pirates as well."

"So long as they're paying, they wouldn't mind. Besides, if they don't pay, the cooks can always always kick them out. From what I've heard, these cooks can fight." My point was proven the moment we walked in when one of them body flipped a customer onto the table, yelling about an unpaid bill... RIP Table-kun.

"I'm sure you can still arrest them if they try to Dine n' Dash, though." I told Smokey as I elbow nudged him. He hummed in agreement before going to where poor Table-kun was destroyed.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked, looking down at the cook and criminal.

"Ah, a marine. Yeah, as a matter of fact, there is. This dumbass didn't pay his bill last time he was here, and I'm sure he tried to pull the same stunt again." The cook explained.

Now that I'm getting a look at him, I can he has blond hair, that is covering his left eye, and unusual eyebrows that seem familiar... somewhere in the North Blue, maybe- oh shit.

Just when I thought that the Dine 'n Dasher charged at Shigi, who was next to me. She was caught off guard, so there was a chance she would've been hit, so I grabbed the guy's wrist. "What the-?!" Then I kneed him in the gut. He fell to his knees while I still had a grip on his wrist.

I might have average strength, but I can sure as hell knee and elbow people.

I'm starting to feel mentality drained. I might've socialized too much today. "Listen man, I'm starting to feel drained, so it would be safer to turn yourself in instead of trying to pick a fight." I told him in a monotone voice.

"Heh, what makes you so- AGH!" I started to heat up my hand. "Whenever I feel drained, I'm not in the mood to fight. Instead, I finish my opponent quickly if you catch my drift." I'm just not in the mood to do anything when I'm like this. I'll usually sleep as a way to recharge.

Am I an insomniac because of this? Yes

"ALRIGHT I SURRENDER!!" I let him go. The burn mark doesn't look too bad. Smoker came over to put the dude in handcuffs, then took him to the navy ship.

"M/N, are you okay?" Shigi seems worried.

"Yeah, just drained. I'm just gonna go take a nap before I get moody. You and Smokey can go ahead and order and eat what y'all want." I started walking back to my ship.

"A-are you sure?" Shigi asked, unsure if I'm gonna be okay.

"Yeah, don't worry, besides, I would've ended up sleeping at the table." I reassured her while heading out the door.

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