Ch. 4 Meeting Bubblegum and Blondie

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'Let's see... on one hand, I could go on a wild goose chase, trying to find Luffy, or...'

"I'll make ya a deal. In exchange for letting me stay, until my captain gets here, I'll work as a chore boy." I, blatantly, told the owner. I had been reminded that this wasn't a hotel and that I had to leave eventually... right eventually, so I'm making a deal with the owner. I needed something to do anyway. Besides, knowing Luffy, he wouldn't stay in one place for too long, so there is no point in hunting him down.

"You're gonna have to do better than that." Oof, he drives a hard bargain. "How bout this? A wager of sort." I offered. That got his attention. "If my captain makes a surprising entrance that'll cause damage, then you can split the work between me and him, six months to be exact. I'll still work before he gets here since I've got nothing to do."

"Hmm, fine, you got a deal." He agreed.

"Thank you, Zeff-san." I bowed.

"You start today, so get to work." He ordered

'Damn, already?' "Yes, sir." I went to get a mop and bucket since it seems that fights are a common thing here.

~~~A few days later~~~

A few days have passed, and it's already nighttime.

Despite the constant bickering, it's obvious the chefs here are like a family. Sanji and Zeff seem to have some sort of father-son bond, even if they don't express it.

Hmm... screw it. I'm looking for Luffy... I am really contradicting, aren't I? Either that or I change my mind too quickly.

I went outside to pull up anchor, and I was about to unfurl the sail when the scent of smoke and spices filled my nostrils.

"Watcha need Sanji?" I asked

Said cook looked at me dumbfounded. "How'd you know it was me?" He questioned.

"I can smell ya from a mile away." I answered

"I- you know what, never mind. What are you doing?"

"Going to see if anyone has seen my captain. Don't worry, I'll be back." I managed to unfurl the sail.

Sanji seems to be contemplating something before snapping back to reality. "Whatever, just be careful." He finally said while puffing out smoke.

"I will." I then set off

Based on the map I was given, the closest land is called Shell Island. I'll stop there first.


Made it. Now I can't bring up Luffy all willy nilly, cause knowing him he had gotten into trouble and announced that he will be King of the Pirates, so I'll just walk around and listen to see if anyone brings him in a conversation, even at a distance with my super-hearing.

"How did I get beaten by someone so stupid."

"Don't speak ill of Luffy-san like that."

Welp, I didn't have to listen long. I went over to where the conversation took place... 'OUT OF ALL THE DAMN PLACES! A MARINE BASE?!' I mentally screamed.

'Ugh, what did you do, Luffy? It's too damn early to be doing this shit.' I exhaled at the thought. Then I remembered the conversation from earlier, one of them actually defended Luffy. He couldn't be a pirate. Otherwise, he wouldn't be here. He would've been with Luffy if that was the case. Time to investigate.

Walking near the entrance, I noticed some guards, so I patted my stomach, activating the Gluttony Sigil. Both guards suddenly put a hand on their stomachs. "I'm hungry all of a sudden." One guard said. "Same here. Let's take a break." Said the other one. Both went inside to get their dinner.

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