-They accidentally scare you-

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(Frisk has been cut out for the rest of the series. It feels weird for me, even though I said Frisk is an adult. I see Frisk as a child and I only added them because someone requested me to, but now I feel too uncomfortable doing it so I'm taking them out. I'm sorry.)


You were cleaning your house and didn't know Toriel was coming to visit.

You turned around to see Toriel standing right behind you, opening her mouth to say something and you jumped back.

"OH GOODNESS! Are you alright? I apologize, I didn't mean to frighten you."


Sans scares you all the time, so you're basically used to it at this point.

But the first time he scared you, you were doing the dishes in your house.

Sans sudden teleports behind you without making any noise and pokes you in the side.

You scream and jump, accidentally dropping a mug and breaking it.

He gave you one of his as an apology.

"...whoops. sorry."


You were taking a nap on your couch when Papyrus suddenly slams the door open to your home and screams your name.

You scream in return and wake up.

You both stare at each other in silence for a few seconds before Papyurs carries on with what he was saying.



You and Undyne were watching a movie together at her house, and apparently she saw something she didn't like.

But she let out a loud yell at random.

You jumped away from her and clutched your heart as she started to laugh.



You and Alphys were watching anime together, then she looked down at her phone because she got a notification.

A few seconds later, she let out a loud, excited squeal.

You jumped away from her and stared at her.

"S-Sorry! But I just found out th-the new Mew Mew Kissy Cutie game just c-came out!"


You and Mettaton were reading magazines on a couch together when Mettaton got an idea.

He decided to charge up his fingers and then poked you in your side, zapping you.

You jumped up and squealed in surprise.

Mettaton chuckled as you rubbed your side.



You were water Asgore's flowers while he went to the store and when he came back, he surprised you with a hug.

He picked you up around the waist from behind and spun your around.

You screamed before laughing as he hugged you.

"Sorry!" He laughed. "Did I scare you?"


Sometimes, when Grillby gets angrily, his flames will blow up and turn blue.

(Kind of like how Hades does in Disney's Hercules)

So, one time, a bitchy costumer was making him angry while you were visiting and he blew up.

His flames shot up and turned blue and the entire restaurant went silent.

He politely asked the costumer to leave before running his hand through his flames and calming down.

"...get out of my restaurant, please."


Muffet can't scare you, because you're used to looking at her, but her little spider employees can.

If one of them crawls on your arm or leg without you knowing, you'll flip out.

You haven't killed accidentally killed a spider yet, but you did knock one into the wall.

"Ah! Careful dearie! Relax! It's just one of my spiders!"


Gaster likes to scare you from time to time.

Like Sans, Gaster can also teleport.

He'll teleport behind you while you're doing something by yourself and suddenly whisper boo in your ear.

You jump and scream, and it always makes him laugh.

"☟︎♏︎♒︎♏︎♒︎♏︎♒︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎🕯︎❒︎♏︎ ⬧︎□︎ ♏︎♋︎⬧︎⍓︎ ⧫︎□︎ ⬧︎♍︎♋︎❒︎♏︎."

[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]

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