-Catching Feelings-

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When Frisk caught feelings for you, they realized it the moment they saw you treating the monsters with the same respect that you would treat humans with.

These were their friends, and it made them get butterflies in their stomach when they saw you smile at the monsters so sweetly.

"I'm happy you all are getting along!"


The moment Toriel realized she had feelings for you was when she saw playing games with Frisk.

She doesn't know why, but seeing you two play together was an absolute adorable sight for her.

She just loved the way you laughed whenever Frisk said something funny.

"I'm glad you two are having fun together!"


The moment Sans realized he had feelings for you was when you pranked him.

Telling jokes and being funny was what made you two friends.

But when you pranked him, he fell head over heels in love.

And in pie.

He thought it was greatest prank ever and couldn't stop laughing for a while.

"damn, you got me good!"


The moment Papyrus realized he had feelings for you was when
he heard you laugh.

Like, your real laugh.

You two were watching TV together and something funny happened.

You were holding your stomach in tears from laughing so hard, while Papyrus was smiling at you with his face covered his blush.



The moment Undyne realized she had feelings for you was when she saw sticking up for monsters against some racist human.

You and Undyne were walking down the street when you two witnessed someone yelling slurs at a monster and telling them to go back where they came from.

Undyne was ready to beat the shit out of this person, but you spoke up instead.

You asked them what the fuck was wrong with them and told them that monsters were more human than they would ever be.

It made Undyne's heart melt to see you stick up for her kind.



Alphys immediately caught feelings for you when she saw you ramble about something you were excited about.

The way you looked, the way you spoke.

It was beautiful to her.

(Bonus points if it was about anime)

"W-What? N-No you're not bothering me! Keep g-going! Keep going!"


The moment Mettaton realized he had feelings for you was when you caught him having a relaxation day.

He looked tired and the exact opposite of glamourous.

Even celebrities need days off.

You had originally planned to surprise him by showing him you bought some of his merchandise.

But you found him on the couch in a t-shirt and some shorts, without make up on as well.

You knew there was a reason he wasn't posting on social media.

He was absolutely surprised and humiliated you saw him in such a "hideous" state.

But his metal heart melted when you treated him just the same as you did when he looked like fabulous model material.

It proved to him that you liked him for who he was, and not because of the fact that he was a star.

You two ended up watching movies and hanging out, you also helped him out with his self care day.



The moment Asgore realized he has feelings for you was when you gave him some flowers you picked off the street.

You thought it was a nice gesture.

But he thought it was especially sweet of you to go out of your way to give him flowers.

"Aw! For me? Thank you!"


The moment Muffet realized she had feelings for you was when you gave her advice about the bakery.

She was so touched by your kindness that she grew feelings for you.

This is also why she agrees to hang out with you, because she normally doesn't like to leave her web or bakery.

"Oh! Hello dearie! It's nice to see you today!"


Grillby actually grew feelings for you pretty early.

He gained feelings for you when you went over to talk to him the second time you met.

People normally just see him as a bar tender and nothing more.

So when someone actually talked to him and asked him how his day went.

He was pretty touched.

Plus it helps that he thought you were quite attractive for a human.

"...oh...(Y/n)...it's so lovely to see you."


Gaster gained feelings for you when you offered your home to him.

After he became a corporeal being again, the first thing he wanted to do was see Sans and Papyrus.

They were so happy to see their dad again.

Asgore and Toriel were happy to see him as well.

After explaining what happened to everyone, you offered to have Gaster as a roommate since Sans and Papyrus had no room, and neither did Toriel or Asgore.

That's what made him catch feelings for you.

The fact that you still helped him after helping him already.

"✡︎⚐︎🕆︎'☼︎☜︎ ✌︎☹︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ 💣︎☜︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 💧︎❄︎✌︎✡︎ 🕈︎✋︎❄︎☟︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎? ❄︎☟︎✌︎☠︎😐︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎. ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎'☼︎☜︎ ❄︎⚐︎⚐︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎."

(Translation: You're allowing me to stay with you? Thank you. You're too kind.)

[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]

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