-First Date-

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You and Frisk went on a date to the coffee shop you two usually hang out.

It was a little different because you two were going on a date.

But honestly, despite the slight awkwardness, you two had fun.

Frisk then walked you home and you promised to walk them home on the next date.

Frisk asked if you were serious about a second date and you said yes.

Then before you went inside, you gave Frisk a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

"I had fun today (Y/n)."


You and Toriel went on a date to a Boba tea shop.

Frisk suggested it.

You two went and tried it. Honestly, it was better than you thought it would be.

You two got bendy straws for your Boba and cute little cupcakes too.

It was a nice date.

You two had fun and then you two went to go pick up Frisk from school.

"I never thought Boba Tea would be so good. I'll have o thank Frisk for the suggestion."


You and Sans had a date at his house where you watched cheesy reality shows and tried to predict what happens.

You and Sans ended up just taking a nap about an hour in but it was a nice date nonetheless.

Staying in with the bag of bones you love and having a chill date was nice.



Papyrus took you on a date to the park, where you two had a little picnic.

You brought the food and Papyrus brought flowers for you and a blanket to sit on.

Papyrus met you at your house and you two walked to the park together.

You talked the entire way there and during the entire picnic date as well.

You talked about almost everything.

Once the date was over, Papyrus walked you home and you gave him a kiss goodbye on the cheek.



You and Undyne went on a date to a rock concert.

You and Undyne both really liked this one rock band and thankfully, you were already planning to take her before you two started dating.

She was super suprised and super excited.

The concert was three hours long but it was so worth it.

After the concert, Undyne ended up crashing at your place because of how tired you two were.



You and Alphys spent your first date inside.

Neither of you felt like going out, so you stayed inside watching anime.

Alphys also introduced you to the MMKC Dating Simulator.

You two played that game until you completed it and then you two watched anime until you fell asleep.

You two have sleepovers all the time so this is normal.

"(Y/n)! L-Look! I found the Mew Mew Kissy C-Cutie Dating Simulator!"


You and Mettaton stayed inside for your first date.

Mettaton loved stardom, fame, and being in the spotlight. But he wanted your first date with him to be special.

So he had you driven to his house and you two spent the date snuggled up in his couch watching movies and TV shows.

(Which were mostly his movies and TV shows)

You ended up falling asleep at his place.



You and Asgore went on a nice little tea date.

Asgore took you to a little garden and made you some tea, sandwiches and cookies.

You two spent the date talking to each other and drinking tea.

After you two finished, he walked you home and gave you a goodbye hug.

"Hello (Y/n). I hope you are ready for our date."


You and Muffet went on a walk for your date.

Nothing too exciting happened.

It was a nice little walk at night through the park and then you walked her back to her bakery.

You gave her a hug and she kissed your cheek goodbye before going back to her bakery.


You and Grillby went on a date to the beach at night.

You both brought bathing suits but neither of you went into the water.

You two sat in the sand together and watched the waves pass.

Grillby was hot enough to keep you warm but cool enough not to burn you.

You laid your head on his shoulder and talked to him the entire time.

"...it's a nice night...isn't it?"


You and Gaster spent your first date inside.

You two decided to get cuddled up on the couch and you two planned on watching movies that you thought he would like.

(That you also liked)

However, about ten minutes into the movie you two were watching.

You asked him how he ended up the way he did.

He was a little hesitant telling you what happened but he eventually decided to open up to you.

He told you that he was the royal scientist for Asgore before Alphys and he was killed when one of his experiments went wrong.

He said his body started to melt and his soul shattered across time and space.

Thus, his followers were created and he was left as a goopy ghost.

Until you saw him and helped him.

And eventually, instead of watching the movie, you two ended up talking to each other about personal things in your lives.

"⬥︎♏︎●︎●︎, ♌︎♏︎♐︎□︎❒︎♏︎ ✋︎ ⬥︎♋︎⬧︎ 🙵♓︎●︎●︎♏︎♎︎..."

[Translation: Well, before I was killed]

(Also if the Wing Dings language looks a little different it's because in the past I was using all caps by accident, but I fixed that now)

(Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day)

Undertale/AU/Deltarune Boyfriend/Girlfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now