-Their love language-

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Their love language is gift giving.

They're fine with everything, but their personal favorite way to show you love is by taking random things they find or buy that remind them of you.

And giving them to you.

You have a few rocks that are somewhat heart shaped because of this.

"(Y/n)! I found another heart rock!"


Toriel's love language is quality time and acts of service.

She loves spending time with you, no matter what it is.

She just loves being around you.

She also loves to take care of you and help you with whatever you need.

"So (Y/n)! What are we doing today?"


His love language is quality time.

He loves doing absolutely nothing with you.

But if you two do, do somewhat where you have to move around, he will lazily follow you around with a smile.

"hey babes, come cuddle."


Papyrus's love language is physical touch and quality time.

He loves holding your hand and carrying you around specifically.

He loves to carry you around to go to the park with you.

He loves to hold your hand as you two go to the grocery store together.

And he loves to occasionally kiss your cheek.



Her love language is physical touch.

Undyne is naturally aggressive, so sometimes she will just pick you up, hold you above her head and carry you around like a mad woman.

Other times, she just falls asleep on the couch with her arm around you.

She likes to keep you close.



Alphys's love language is quality time.

She loves doing anything ankme related with you.

And even if it's not anime related, she'll do it anyway because she just loves being around you.

"(Y-Y/n)! Y-You're here!"


His love language consists of everything, but especially acts of service and physical affection

He loves helping you get ready for the day, choosing your outfit and doing your mahelp. (He may also make you breakfast)

He loves hugging you and coiling his robotic arms around you.

He also loves peppering you with kisses and leaving black lipstick marks all over your face.

He also loves showing you off to his fans and featuring you in his show.



Asgore's love language swings all ways but his favorite way to show you he loves you is through gift giving and quality time.

He loves to give you the flowers he grows.

He also loves to do almost everything with you.

He loves being around you.

"(Y/n), for you."


Her love language is gift giving and physical affection.

Muffet loves baking little treats for you whenever she has down time.

She also loves hugging you whenever she can.

Her hugs are great because she has six arms.

"(Y/n) dearie! I made something for you!"


Grillby's love language is physical affection.

He loves to keep you warm and hold you close.

He likes that because he's so warm, you snuggle up against him.

"...am I warm enough for you?"


His love language is physical affection and acts of service.

He likes being gentlemanly towards you and he likes to hold your hand and kiss the back of your knuckles.

He'll also make food for you and help you whenever you need help.

"☝︎□︎□︎♎︎ ♏︎❖︎♏︎■︎♓︎■︎♑︎, ❍︎⍓︎ ♎︎♏︎♋︎❒︎"

[Translation: Good evening, my dear]

(Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day)

Undertale/AU/Deltarune Boyfriend/Girlfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now