-Halloween with them (Plus Some Couples Costumes!)-

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Halloween with Frisk is always a blast.

You two watch horror movies and carve pumpkins, then pass out candy to little kids as it turns to dusk and host a Halloween Party in the dead of night.

Originally, you and Frisk have normal couple costumes, like matching pirates or vampires.

But one year, Sans gave them the idea of a socket and a charger block as Halloween costumes.

(Which ever one you didn't want to be, they were)

It's their favorite costume and it makes them laugh.

So you two made a deal. One year, you'll be the socket and charger block. And the next year, you get to choose the costumes.

"Oh come (N/n)! It's funny!"


Halloween with Toriel is a little boring to be honest.

She only hands out candy and watches kids movies with Frisk.

Her costume doesn't even match yours. She's a witch because it's the least scary thing she can think of. (She'll also get mad if you scare Frisk with your costume)

But this part is a little understandable because the only decor she has outside her house is spiderwebs and gravestones.

However, if this is what you're looking for, then Toriel is for you.

"So, (Y/n)! How do I look?"


Halloween with Sans is always so much fun.

You two watch scary movies and later he hosts a Halloween party and all your friends are invited.

There's all sorts of Halloween themed games and desserts (thank you Muffet).

Costumes with Sans are always dirty. Something kids would think is innocent but not adults.

Such as the charger block and socket.

Or one time, Sans dressed up as a hotdog and made you dress up as a donut.

You two have fun with it though because this sort of shit is your style.

Or, if you two feel especially lasy, you'll just wear sweats and t-ahirts that say "Error 404, costume not found" and instead of throwing a party, if you two feel lazy, you'll just go around to Haunted attractions and stuff.

However sometimes you go trick or treating with Frisk and Toriel, and if he sees any bones, skulls, or whole ass skeletons as decor, he's going to be disturbed.

"hey, you humans sure do hate skeletons huh?"


Papyrus HATES scary movies. So don't expect him to watch any on Halloween.

The only Halloween movie he'll watch is The Nightmare Before Christmas. (He loves Jack Skellington [Sans will watch it too])

Papyrus loves to pass out candy to little kids and go trick or treating with Toriel and Frisk.

He, like Sans, also gets disturbed when he sees skeletons laying around. Including Jack Skellington.

Papyrus is also extremely torn between three costumes.

A vampire, a pumpkin, and Jack Skellington.

He loves to wear capes and being a vampire is just an excuse to wear a cape, look cool and attractive, and sharpen his teeth.

He thinks he looks really good in orange and that's why he wants to be a Papyrus shaped pumpkin.

And then Jack Skellington is self explanatory.

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