Chapter 3: Reunion

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Elijah's quick descent into sleep was a routine I had become accustomed to, allowing me the quiet needed to indulge in my books. Erecting a wind barrier between us, I prepared for a night of peaceful reading. But the quiet was short-lived as a familiar voice echoed in my mind, a voice I hadn't heard for what felt like an eternity.

"Papa, I am back."

"Sylvie? You missed the opening ceremony and my first school day. Where have you been the past week?" My concern was palpable, even in the silent conversation of our minds.

"That is a secret," she giggled, her voice dancing in my head. "However, I want you to come with me."

"Can it not wait for tomorrow? I'm pretty tired," I responded, hoping for some understanding from my companion.

"Nooo, you have to come now, papa!" Her insistence left no room for negotiation.

"Alright, fine, boss. What do you want to show me?" I conceded, curiosity beginning to weave its way through my fatigue.

"You'll see," she replied, her giggle a gentle chime in the stillness of the night.

Stepping outside, I was greeted by the sight of Sylvie, tail wagging with anticipation. "Follow me," she instructed before darting off into the night.

"Why the hurry?" I asked, a blend of curiosity and concern in my voice as I followed her swift movements. Sylvie offered no response, her focus solely on the path ahead.

Sylvie's pace never waned as she led me through the academy grounds under the cloak of night. My curiosity grew, making me wonder what could be so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow. Eventually, Sylvie slowed, allowing me to catch my breath as we approached a secluded part of the academy's expansive gardens, a place I hadn't yet explored. The moonlight cast a serene glow over the area, revealing Tess standing alone amidst a circle of luminescent flowers, their gentle light making her appear as if she were part of a fairy tale.

Looking back at Sylvie, with confusion evident on my face. I saw her hiding behind a bush, waving her paw teasingly. My gaze shifted back to Tess, who was plucking flowers, still unaware of my presence. As I walked towards her, my heart began to pound. I had lived with her for four years, so why was I feeling so anxious?

"Hey, Tess," I said, my voice softer than intended. Startled, she dropped the flowers she was plucking and quickly turned around.

"Art?" she responded, her tone clearer than me. "Isn't it a bit late to be here at this hour?" I said, with a small grin on my face.

I could see a soft smile playing on her lips as she replied, "I could ask you the same, Art. But I think I already know the answer." Her gaze then shifted to the bush where Sylvie's head was peeking out, who quickly hid again, sending a wave of frustration into my mind.

The frustration fled quickly however as Sylvie raced toward Tess, as her presence was already revealed anyway. She trotted up to Tess, nuzzling her hand affectionately, which Tess reciprocated by patting her on her fluffy coat.

"I've been working on a project for my botany class," Tess explained, breaking the brief silence. She gestured towards the flowers she had dropped. "These are Moonlit Blossoms. They only bloom under the full moon."

She walked towards me and handed me one of the flowers. "It's... beautiful," I said. Tess's smile widened, her emerald eyes reflecting the flower's luminescence. "I'm glad you think so, Art," she said in a soft tone. As my gaze shifted from the flower back to Tess, I realized how close she was standing to me, causing my face to turn slightly red. Noticing this, she quickly took a step back, a blush appearing on her face as well.

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